Replacing a string throughout the whole table

  • Ok guys, here's my problem.

    I have a table with ~55 fields in it and ~2000+ records.  Some of the columns have no data in them but when I iterate through the database in VB, I get NULL errors. 

    What I need to do is go through the entire table replacing all empty fields with a <CTRL-0>  = "<NULL>"

    Any suggestions?


  • What does "empty" mean? It sounds as though your columns are already NULL. Replacing that with another NULL probably won't help you too much.

    Have you looked into using COALESCE for your queries?

    SELECT COALESCE(YourColumn, '') AS YourColumn

    FROM YourTable

    This will return '' (empty string) if YourColumn is NULL.

    Adam Machanic

  • What I mean is that if I view the entire table som of the fields say <NULL> whilst others are just empty (nothing in them at all).

    It's the ones with nothing in them that's causing me a problem.

  • Are you certain? You said you were getting NULL errors...


    UPDATE YourTable

    SET YourColumn = NULL

    WHERE YourColumn = ''

    Adam Machanic

  • I knew about this method but I wanted a way to do the whole table in one go.

    This UPDATE method requires me to go through every single column (56 of them).


    DECLARE @tablename varchar(30)

    DECLARE @colname varchar(30)

    DECLARE @updateSQL nvarchar(1000)

    SET @tablename = 'dbo.tblTest' --Table in question.



      SELECT     name

      FROM         syscolumns

      WHERE     (id = OBJECT_ID(@tablename))

      AND type != 56 --int. Exclude other col types if required.  

     OPEN crs

     FETCH NEXT FROM crs INTO @colname




      --print 'name=' + @colname


      SET @updateSQL = 'UPDATE ' + @tablename + ' SET ' + @colname + ' = NULL WHERE ' + @colname + ' = '''''

      --print @updateSQL  

      EXEC sp_executesql @updateSQL

      FETCH NEXT FROM crs INTO @colname


     CLOSE crs



  • Just to give another possible situation :

    Declare @TableName as varchar(256)

    set @TableName = 'ObjSQL'

    Select 'UPDATE ' + @TableName + ' SET ' + name + ' = NULL WHERE ' + name + ' = ''''' from dbo.syscolumns where id = object_id(@TableName) and IsNullable = 1 order by Colid

    then paste the result of this query in query analyser and run... I found this to be an extremeley usefull technic over time to save time 🙂

  • use pubs

    declare @sql varchar(8000),

      @TableName sysname

    select @TableName = 'authors'

    select @SQL = isnull(@SQL + char(9) + sc.Name + ' = isnull(' + sc.Name + ', ''<NULL>'')', '') + char(10)

    from  sysobjects so (nolock)

    JOIN syscolumns sc (nolock) on =

    JOIN systypes st (nolock) on st.xtype = sc.xtype

    Where = @TableName and st.Name like '%char%'

      and sc.isNullable = 1

    order  by


    if @sql is not null and len(@SQL) <> 1


     select  @SQL = 'Update ' + @TableName + char(10) + 'set ' + @sql

     print @SQL




     print 'There are no "char" type columns that can be null'


    Signature is NULL

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