Passing recordset as parameter to procedure

  • Hi All,

    I need to pass recordset as a prameter to procedure. Can any one help me out.

    Can we use tabel variable (alternate to recordset) as a parameter to procedure ???




  • You can use a temporary table (not a table variable) or a delimited string.


  • Are you using ADO,OLE DB, or some other DB access architecure?


    What language? VB,C/C++, PHP, JAVA, other...?

  • Hi Thanks for reply,

    I agree with Joe... post the problem...

    So the problem is I have couple of procedure. One is master procedure and other procedure is called from the master procedure. I do some calculation and other stuffs in the master procedure and then depending on all the calculations i create a select statement. Now the resultset of the statement i want to pass it to all the child procedures.

    I thought it will be nice to pass a recordset to all the procedure. as i need to do some calculation in each procedure on recordset. All the child procedure updates some table.

    Once all the child procedure are executed. Then again in master procedure i need to do some calulations.


  • Hi Joe.... thanx...for the reply... can u suggest some good book / link to refer for design methodology....

    Yep i dont create dynamic sql in procedure.... but i want to pass that resultset to all other procedure.... what should i do... shall i reverse the things... i will create a procedure which will return the resultset..... all those child procedure will call that procedure and do the updates....

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