How to insert chinese characters in sql server

  • Dear All,

    For settings should I use for inserting chinese characters into sql server?

    I find that there is a table property called "Collation". Is it the property for different language? What collation should I choose, "SQL_Collation" or "Window_Collation", "Binary Sort" or

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • From the books online, here's how you get the available collations.

    These you use in the create table statement.


    SELECT *

    FROM ::fn_helpcollations()

  • We are also in need of this information. I would appreciate if we get a solution to this problem. Please let us know which option to choose.


    Vipin Kedia

  • Its a lengthy solution of the times, which exact Chinese character you want to insert and work with.

    Traditional Chinese character or Simplified Chinese characters ?

    Is your operating system installed with these characters ?

    Kindest Regards,

    Sr. SQL Server DBA

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