Physical Memory Issue/Leak?

  • I have a sql server with 2 processors.  1 gig memory. Total paging file size: 1536MB. No unusual errors in the eventlog.

    SQL Server 2000 version: 8.00.760 SP3

    Windows 2000 Server:  5.00.2195 SP3

    Physical memory is down to a VERY critical level (11000 of 1048080!)  Obviously we're going to need to reboot the server. 

    Can anyone point to any memory leak issues/troubleshooting that would apply to our setup?  I've heard that sp4 fixes some memory leak issues... but it's still in beta so I can't use it in production.



  • Are you sure this is a problem.  Sqlserver will grab memory when it needs it and very rarely gives back to OS (unless requested to do so).  At server start it grabs some memory and over time and need it keeps grabbing.  So memory usage looks extreme but actually it is normal.  If you stop and restart Sql, don't reboot I would expect that you see a lot of memory unallocated.  Overtime Sql will use again.  If you stop sql and you don't see a big chunk come free, then there could be a memory problem.  The majority of the memory problems I've dealt with involve the use of two things: Ole objects through sql code, where failures happen and Linked servers to AS400.




  • Tom,

    So it's a "feature"... not a "bug". 

    I've read that it is "normal" behavior... however only 10k of physical memory left... that just can't be right!  The server was last rebooted only a week ago.  With memory that low, it seems like any little thing could bring the server down at any time...

    We don't link to AS400.  However I'm not sure if our application is using any OLE objects... is there any easy way to tell?

    Thanks for your input!


  • You could check to see if you are calling any sp_oa stored procedures by querying the text column in syscomments.

    You only have 1 gig of memory and Sql is a hog.  If the OS requests memory Sql will give it back, but in most circumstances it wants as much as it can get.

    Unless I was throwing errors to the error log, I would see this as a normal statistic.  I would try to get more physical memory, if possible.



  • I'd run perfmon on the pagefile, memory,  and maybe processes before even thinking about changing anything.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • You did not mention if there are other applications running on your server that require memory.  10K is much too low for free physical memory.  You may have a memory leak or just have insufficient physical memory on your server.

    The following pages discuss  SQL Server Memory and how to monitor its use.


    This link is a webcast from Microsoft about detecting memory leaks;en-us;325558

  • Thank you all for your great comments & suggestions.  I'm going to look at the things you suggested & I'll let you know how it goes.  (Also I'm taking a SQL class next week so if the instructor is any good, I'll run it by him also.)

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