SQL Server and Timezones

  • Hi,

    Following a recent upgrade to our server we have discovered that the timezone is wrong.

    We have some specific concerns with just changing the time zone. Just to help clarify, the problem is

    that the SQL server has a time zone of "GMT +9:00 Seoul". It should in fact be "GMT +8:00 Perth". This

    has caused the SQL to adjust its time forward over the weekend after being added to the domain. The

    net result is that it is 1 hour ahead of all the other servers on the local sub-net.

    The specific concerns and questions I have are:

    1. If the timezone is adjusted, will the operating system "jump" to adjust its time or will it slowly adjust

    like novell servers do ?

    2. If this "slow" adjust is the case, how long will it take.

    3. What are the implications in SQL if a database is open with the time zone change is adjusted.

    Without any further information our approach to fix the problem would be..

    1. Perform the normal "Prior" backup.

    2. Take the database, SQL Server and SQL Server Agent offline.

    3. Adjust the time-zone, not the time itself.

    4. Reboot the server to DOS

    5. Adjust the time.

    6. Shutdown the server for a least an hour.

    7. Restart and proceed as normal.

    Some of this may seem a bit overboard, but we want to be safe not sorry.

    I would appreciate any advice you may have.


    John Matear

  • I may be missing something here entirely, but AFAIK SQL Server has no clue about the time - it's the o/s that runs the clock. (meaning that it's Windows that has the zones mixed up, not SQL Server)

    If changing the time will have any adverse effects on your system sort of falls into the 'it depends' category.

    But, if it's sensitive, and you can afford it - by all means stop SQL Server, change the system time and wait until it have 'catched up' until you turn on SQL Server again.

    That way you can be sure to not risk any contradicting log issues.


  • Hi John,

    I agree with Kenneth.  I am not aware of any problems with changing the time in SQL Server since the operating system is controlling the clock.

    To answer your first concern, Windows will change the time immediately, it does not do it over a period of time.

    I would probably stop SQL Server, change the time, give the machine a reboot and start everything up again.

    Let us know if you run into any problems.



  • Thank you for your replies. Our main concern was related to the particular application that was running on SQL Server. We were not 100% confident that changing the timezone could not have an adverse impact on the application in question. We contacted Microsoft Premium Support and ran our solution past them. For reference I have included their response. Fortunately we did have a window in order to perform this switch and everything worked OK.





    You had a SQL Server 2000 running on a Windows 2000 member server with

    the incorrect timezone setup. In this case you wanted to verify the

    steps you were going to take to change the timezone.



    After discussing the case with our platforms support guys and conducting

    some quick tests with SQL Server and its behavior with date time data

    fields, the below steps you provided were appropriate with minor


    1. Perform the normal "Prior" backup.

    2. Take the database, SQL Server and SQL Server Agent offline - turn

    These services to manual, so that when you restart the service you can

    manually bring them online after the OS has started and you can test

    that everything is fine from the OS perspective.

    3. Adjust the time-zone, not the time itself.

    4. Reboot the server to DOS - I would recommend going into the BIOS and

    changing the time on the actual machine as well, and then you can go

    into the command prompt mode of Windows 2000 and check the time it


    and ensure it is correct.

    5. Adjust the time - this is done in the above step in the BIOS

    6. Shutdown the server for a least an hour - over an hour e.g. 1 hour

    and 10 minutes

    7. Restart the server - after the OS has started bring up SQL Server

    manually (also change the service to start automatically if that is

    normal setting) and test it to ensure that all your data is correct by

    running your typical queries/ checking your main tables used by the


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