Error for tempDB log file full

  • I am getting this error on simple select query. It stared with tempDB log file full and I made changes for growth of tempdb to 10% and truncated log file. I start getting this error.

    Msg 845, Sev 17: Time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type 3 for page

    I am running SQLServer 2000 and sp3a. Does anybody know any reasons.


  • You should obviously increase the initial size of tempdb; one doesn't want autogrowth ocurring for any database, of course.  You cannot truncate tempdb's log file because tempdb uses the simple recovery model.

    From my experience, most 845 errors occur after someone monkeyed around with the server's configuration settings.  If, however, your applications make heavy use of tempdb (e.g. Siebel), you may need to optimize the tempdb database:


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