Log Reader - "Access Voilation Occured"

  • Dear All,

    Recently I when I create publisher, my log reader could not start and show the error message "Access Voilation Occured". If you have encountered before, please send me some ideas/tips/checklist on how to troubleshooting the problem.


  • There is a bug which you may be encountering. Can you provide me with the stack dump you will see in the error log?


    Hilary Cotter

    Looking for a SQL Server replication book?


  • Microsoft SQL Server Replication: Exception Stack Dump


    Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE.

    Current local time is Mon Sep 13 19:32:07 2004

    4 Intel x86 level 15, 2389 Mhz processor(s).

    Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 CSD Service Pack 3.

    MemoryLoad 41%  TotalPhys 2047 MB

    AvailPhys 2047 MB  TotalPageFile 4095 MB


    An exception was caught


    * Exception Address = 773e1485

    * Exception Code = c0000005



    Module Name  Return Address  Location

    ATL  0040abd5  AtlModuleInit + c

    logread  0040dcf4  0040abd5

    logread  0040aa5c  0040dcf4

    logread  7c581af6  0040aa5c

    KERNEL32  00000000  OpenEventA + 63d


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