September 7, 2004 at 10:44 am
Hi, I have been using SQL Profiler to help me solve a problem we are having. I am tracing stored procedure starting and completing. I want to know what the "--" at the begining of a "-- exec sp_stored_procedure" means. I know it is used as a comment in a query or stored procedure but if it is just a comment why is it showing up. The next line in the profiler displays the same stored procedure without the comment tag.
Can someone shed some light on this?
September 7, 2004 at 5:42 pm
I assume you are looking at the TextData field, correct? Is the word "exec" really there after the "--"? When I run traces, the only time I see comments like that is when I am tracing statements starting and completing in the Profiler. In other words, the events SP:StmtStarting and SP:StmtCompleted show the procedure name in a comment before the actual statement that is being traced inside the sp.
For example, this TextData value means that the "select @single_lockedout..." statement was occuring inside the sp_MSdbuseraccess procedure:
-- sp_MSdbuseraccess select @single_lockedout = DATABASEPROPERTY( @dbname, N'issingleuser' )
Is that the kind of thing you're seeing?
September 8, 2004 at 9:58 am
Chris, you are correct, I was mistaken. There is no "exec" after the "--".
Here is a classic example of what I am getting in my trace:
-- sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters
-- sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters
performance_condition NVARCHAR(1024) COLLATE database_default NOT NULL
-- sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters
INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (N'dummy')-- sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters
IF (@all_counters = 0)
-- sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters
SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTRING(performance_condition, 1, CHARINDEX('|', performance_condition, PATINDEX('%_|_%', performance_condition) + 2) - 1)
FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts
WHERE (performance_condition IS NOT NULL)
AND (enabled = 1)
-- sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters
SELECT 'object_name' = RTRIM(SUBSTRING(spi1.object_name, 1, 50)),
'counter_name' = RTRIM(SUBSTRING(spi1.counter_name, 1, 50)),
'instance_name' = CASE spi1.instance_name
ELSE RTRIM(spi1.instance_name)
'value' = CASE spi1.cntr_type
WHEN 537003008 -- A ratio
THEN CONVERT(FLOAT, spi1.cntr_value) / (SELECT CASE spi2.cntr_value WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE spi2.cntr_value END
FROM master.dbo.sysperfinfo spi2
WHERE (spi1.counter_name + ' ' = SUBSTRING(spi2.counter_name, 1, PATINDEX('% Base%', spi2.counter_name)))
AND (spi1.instance_name = spi2.instance_name)
AND (spi2.cntr_type = 1073939459))
ELSE spi1.cntr_value
FROM master.dbo.sysperfinfo spi1,
#temp tmp
WHERE (spi1.cntr_type <> 1073939459) -- Divisors
AND ((@all_counters = 1) OR
(tmp.performance_condition = RTRIM(spi1.object_name) + '|' + RTRIM(spi1.counter_name)))
After the above I get this
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters
So if I follow what you are saying, all the -- stuff is what is happening in the Execute section. Correct?
It stands to reason then that the only rows with a duration entry are the rows where there is an exec.
September 8, 2004 at 11:43 am
OK, that's what I thought. I assume you know that stored procedures are made up of individual Transact-SQL statements. What you are seeing is one trace record for each individual T-SQL statement contained within sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters, and then another trace record for the entire stored procedure. If you look at the EventClass you should see this. Suppose, for example, that you have a simple stored procedure like this:
create procedure hello2x as print 'This is the first hello.' print 'This is the second hello.'
Then suppose you run a SQL Profiler trace and turn on the following events: SP:Starting, SP:StmtStarting, SP:StmtCompleted, and SP:Completed. Then, in your trace, you would see something like this:
EventClass: SP:Starting TextData: hello2xEventClass: SP:StmtStarting TextData: -- hello2x print 'This is the first hello.'EventClass: SP:StmtCompleted TextData: -- hello2x print 'This is the first hello.'EventClass: SP:StmtStarting TextData: -- hello2x print 'This is the second hello.'EventClass: SP:StmtCompleted TextData: -- hello2x print 'This is the second hello.'EventClass: SP:Completed TextData: hello2x
You can see that the entries that contain the -- stored procedure name text are the ones relating to statements rather than entire procedures. The reason the comment is in there is to give you a quick visual way to identify which procedure the statement is part of. It is inserted by the profiler as an informational comment, and it is not part of the text that was optimized / compiled / executed by SQL Server.
Hope this clears it up for you! Let me know if not.
September 8, 2004 at 11:54 am
Chris, yes, that clears up my question. Thanks for your time and informaiton.
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