Finding roles granted to users and group

  • Hi All

                               Type           Role Connect    Role DoImportantThing

    myDomain\VIP        Win Group    Granted           Granted

    myDomain\NotVIP   Win Group    Granted            Not Granted


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Is this what you are looking for ?

    select suser_sname(a.sid), 'Type '= case when a.isntgroup = 1 THEN 'Win Group'

        else 'User'


    , from sysusers a join sysmembers b on a.uid = b.memberuid join sysusers c on b.groupuid = c.uid and suser_sname(a.sid) is not null

  • See Finding roles granted to users and group(2) thread for full text ( I had some trouble posting the thread ).


  • I am also having this problem I need to know all users for server logins as well as database users and roles.  I did see the article on 7 scripts and I did recieve some information -- however I know that some of my users are NOT sysadmin's but I need to know how to utilize the select statement to help me with this.  I have tried:

    select suser_sname(sid) from sysxlogins

    select name from sysusers

    The one from the article

    SELECT 'ServerRole' =, 'MemberName' = FROM master.dbo.spt_values A, master.dbo.sysxlogins B WHERE A.low = 0 AND A.type = 'SRV' AND B.srvid IS NULL

     AND A.number & B.xstatus = A.number

    This is very helpful but I need to know the user, login, and the role  for each database I have just have not reached that point yet with the sys tables

    Any help please....


    Sheila Conlon (getting back)

  • okay this is what I have found!!  use

    exec sp_helplogins

    this will give you server logins, database users, and permissions! 



    Sheila Conlon (getting back)

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