Server wont run on startup

  • Hi,

    I have an an application that uses MSDE to handle a database. It works nicely on my own computer, but when I install MSDE on another computer, I have to manually start the server from SQL Server Service Manager everytime i reboot. (I've tried it on two other computers with the same result.)

    But the server seems to already be running, since SQL Manager directly says that the server is 'Running' when I type in computername\instancename in the Server droplist. (Otherwise I think it would display a 'Starting' message for a second or two.)

    I can't start the instace by typing 'net start mssqlserver$instancename' in the command prompt, since it gives me an error message: Incorrect service name.

    Why won't the server start on other computers than my own?

    If I just could find out how to start the server by code, I could maybe fix it when my program starts...?

    All help greatly appreciated.


  • Check the services applet in control panel for the correct name. Be sure it's set to automatic.

  • Hi,

    I have checked in the control panel, and it's set to automatic and running. The name of the service is MSSQL$NETSDK.

    When typing 'net start mssql$netsdk' in the command prompt I get the answer: Service already running. It's just that SQL manager doesn't seem to  recognice it automatically.

    What more could I do to locate the cause of this?



  • Hi again,

    After having uninstalled/installed MSDE a couple of times to understand what happens, I have to revise what I previously have said a bit.

    After installing MSDE, the server doesn't start. Services in control panel says that the server is set to automatic start, but it isn't running. SQL Manager doesn't show the server instace in it's server droplist, but I can start the server by typing in computername\instancename in the droplist and clicking start. I can also start the server by running 'net start mssql$instancename' in the command prompt.

    After rebooting the computer SQL Manager still wont display the server as running, but services in control panel shows that the server is running, and my application works.

    One strange thing is that the computer doesn't restart after installing MSDE.

    I guess I could ignore that SQL Manager won't display the server as running, and perhaps let my application as a safety measure, start the server whith 'net start mssql$instancename'. (How do I do that?)

    Tia for any help on this.


  • Sometimes the problem can be due to the incorrect MDAC version. Try downloading the latest MDAC version from Microsoft and installing that in the problem computers.

    If you want to check the version first, Microsoft has something called "component checker" that checks for the MDAC version. Run that against your 'good' computer and then against your problem computers. Compare them and see if they have the same version of MDAC.


  • Hi SQLBill.

    Thanks for your answer. I tried that, but unfortunately they both are the same versions...

    I guess it must be something else, but what?


  • I don't know much about MSDE so this may not be it but I am just going ask

    Does your MSDE Service start as Local Service Account or domain account? When you start the Service maually, what login account did you use?

  • Quote: "Does your MSDE Service start as Local Service Account or domain account? When you start the Service maually, what login account did you use?"

    I'm not sure I understand your question and if I can answer it...

    I don't know about Local Service or Domain. How do I find out?

    I don't use any login account to start the server, just 'net start servername' from the command prompt. Or do you mean when I login to the computer? I have a user with administrative access...

    Don't know if this helps.


  • When you look at the services and see the "Log On As", you can check if this is from Local System or any specific domin login id.

    How do you log on to the server?

  • When you look at the services and see the "Log On As", you can check if this is from Local System or any specific domin login id.

    How do you log on to the server?

  • Run server network utility SVRNETCN.exe to enable network protocol TCP/IP and Named Pipe from \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn.

  • I obviously don't understand all of how the server works and how I'm supposed to manage it, so please bear with me.

    From where should I "look at the services and see the 'Log On As'" ? I don't have enterprize manager since I only have a professional subscription. The only tool I use to communicate  with the server is SQL server service manager.

    As of how I log on to the server, I only log on from my application when the server already is up and running, using a simple connection string: "User Id=MyUser;Data Source=" & Environment.MachineName & "\NetSDK;Password=MyPwd". Apart from that I never log on, just start/stop it.

    I tried Allens suggestion with SVRNETCN.exe, but I didn't get any wiser. I don't know what I'm supposed to get out from enabling TCP/IP and Named pipe...


  • Daniel:

    I believe the UDP port used by SQL Server (MSDE) might be blocked.  Are the problem machines running a software firewall?  This could be a 3rd party product or, if XP, Microsoft's Internet Connection Firewall.  To test for the latter, open your Network Connections and see if there is a small lock on the icon that represents your LAN connection.  It will also say "Firewalled" in the description.

    By blocking UDP traffic (typically port 1434 for the first instance) you are preventing sqlmangr.exe from discovering what servers are out there.  Hence, the dropdown list does not get populated.  By typing in the instance name yourself, sqlmangr beings communicating using TCP port 1433, which apparently is open.




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