Current Activity

  • Is there a script that I can use that will show me all the users currently showing activity on any given database.  I'd like to find another way rather than looking in the Process Info.


  • sp_who2


    select * from master.dbo.sysprocesses



  • I prefer using the following SQL that looks at what is happening in a 2 second period. It was posted by someone on this site but I can't remember who, sorry. I have modified it to include the Database name.

    use master

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[cpu_usage]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table cpu_usage


    select cpu, spid into cpu_usage from sysprocesses

    waitfor delay '000:00:2'

    select difference = p.cpu - u.cpu, p.cpu, p.loginame, p.spid, p.hostname, as [database], p.last_batch

    from sysprocesses p join cpu_usage u on p.spid = u.spid left join sysdatabases d on d.dbid = p.dbid

    order by 1 desc

    -- Takes snapshot of io usage. waits 2 seconds and compares

    drop table cpu_usage


    select physical_io, spid into cpu_usage from sysprocesses

    waitfor delay '000:00:2'

    select difference = p.physical_io - u.physical_io,

    p.physical_io, p.loginame, p.spid, p.hostname, as [database], p.last_batch

    from sysprocesses p join cpu_usage u on p.spid = u.spid left join sysdatabases d on d.dbid = p.dbid

    order by 1 desc

    drop table cpu_usage



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