What can the role db_ddladmin do?

  • Our programmers must be able to create tables, views etc. in the databases they designed.

    We want to grant them the role db_ddladmin but can anyone tell me where I can find the exact list of commands they can use and what the difference is with the dbo role

    Kind regards

  • Hi,

    try stored ptocedure sp_dbfixedrolepermission


    Kindest Regards,


  • I tried them but they asume everybody knows all DDL commands.

    So i'll rephrase: does anyone have a list with all the DDL commands?


  • I can't supply a list, but I can speak from experience. Our DBAs only allow the DDLAdmin and SecurityAdmin roles. They went to this route when they migrated from 6.5 to 7.0 some years ago. They used to grant dbowner. The only reason they went this way was to prevent developers from performing their own backups. Not that I've looked into it, I believe that on 2000, it is possible to have dbowner and be denied backup rights. We still have ddladmin though.

    What it doesn't allow me to use is SQL Profiler and the Index Tuning Wizard, both of which can be useful.

    Otherwise, I have no problems with development. I can do everything I need to with just the ddladmin role. However, because I don't have dbowner, all objects belong to me. Thus I have to change ownership to dbo and add permissions to each object. But having written a stored procedure which does all of this, I find it no hardship these days.

  • Grasshopper

    Would you be willing to "share" your stored proc that changes ownership from you to DBO?


  • No problem at all:

    enjoy. Graham


    This Procedure takes all of my objects and converts them to dbo ownership and

    grants access permissions to the admin role and the dbo user


    what we want to do is:

           make dbo the owner of all our objects

           revoke all access to objects

           Grant access as required






    declare @strExecLine nvarchar(4000)

    declare @strName nvarchar(128)

    declare @strOwner nvarchar(128)

    declare @intRowid int


    set nocount on

    -- tables


    -- create a temporary table to hold a list of all the user tables

    create table #tables

           (in_rowid     int   identity(1,1),

           vc_name       nvarchar(128),

           vc_owner      nvarchar(128),

           bt_used              bit)


    insert into #tables

           (vc_name, vc_owner, bt_used)

    select sysobjects.[name], sysusers.[name], 0

    from sysobjects inner join sysusers on sysobjects.uid = sysusers.uid

    where sysobjects.xtype = 'u' and sysobjects.name <> 'dtproperties'


    -- loop through this table and build / execute the change owner, and the grant

    while exists (select * from #tables where bt_used = 0)


           select top 1

                  @intRowid = in_rowid, @strName = vc_name, @strOwner = vc_owner

           from #tables where bt_used = 0


           if @strOwner <> 'dbo'


                  select @strExecLine = 'sp_changeobjectowner ''' + @strName + ''',''dbo'''

                  --print @strExecLine

                  exec (@strExecLine)



           -- revoke access before regranting it

           select @strExecLine = 'revoke all on ' + @strName + ' from [public]'

           exec (@strExecLine)


           -- grant access as required


           select @strExecLine = 'grant select on ' + @strname + ' to [public]'

           exec (@strExecLine)


    -- Add in alternative permissions here if required


           update #tables

           set bt_used = 1

           where in_rowid = @intRowid



    drop table #tables


    -- views


    -- create a temporary table to hold a list of all the user views

    create table #views

           (in_rowid     int   identity(1,1),

           vc_name       nvarchar(128),

           vc_owner      nvarchar(128),

           bt_used              bit)


    insert into #views

           (vc_name, vc_owner, bt_used)

    select sysobjects.[name], sysusers.[name], 0

    from sysobjects inner join sysusers on sysobjects.uid = sysusers.uid

    where sysobjects.xtype = 'v' and sysobjects.status > 0


    -- loop through this table and build / execute the change owner, and the grant

    while exists (select * from #views where bt_used = 0)


           select top 1

                  @intRowid = in_rowid, @strName = vc_name, @strOwner = vc_owner

           from #views where bt_used = 0


           if @strOwner <> 'dbo'


                  select @strExecLine = 'sp_changeobjectowner ''' + @strName + ''',''dbo'''

                  exec (@strExecLine)



           -- revoke access before regranting it

           select @strExecLine = 'revoke all on ' + @strName + ' from [public] '

           exec (@strExecLine)


           -- grant access as required

           select @strExecLine = 'grant select on ' + @strname + ' to [public]'

           exec (@strExecLine)




           update #views

           set bt_used = 1

           where in_rowid = @intRowid



    drop table #views



    -- stored procedures

    -- create a temporary table to hold a list of all the user procedures

    create table #procs

           (in_rowid     int   identity(1,1),

           vc_name       nvarchar(128),

           vc_owner      nvarchar(128),

           bt_used              bit)


    insert into #procs

           (vc_name, vc_owner, bt_used)

    select sysobjects.[name], sysusers.[name], 0

    from sysobjects inner join sysusers on sysobjects.uid = sysusers.uid

    where sysobjects.xtype = 'p' and sysobjects.[name] not like 'dt%'                        --and sysobjects.[name] not like 'dbo%'


    -- loop through this table and build / execute the change owner, and the grant

    while exists (select * from #procs where bt_used = 0)


           select top 1

                  @intRowid = in_rowid, @strName = vc_name, @strOwner = vc_owner

           from #procs where bt_used = 0


           if @strOwner <> 'dbo'


                  select @strExecLine = 'sp_changeobjectowner ''' + @strName + ''',''dbo'''

           --     print @strExecLine

                  exec (@strExecLine)



           -- revoke access before regranting it

           select @strExecLine = 'revoke all on ' + @strName + ' from [public] '

           exec (@strExecLine)


           select @strExecLine = 'grant execute on ' + @strname + ' to [public]'

           exec (@strExecLine)


           update #procs

           set bt_used = 1

           where in_rowid = @intRowid



    drop table #procs



    -- User Defined functions

    -- create a temporary table to hold a list of all the user defined functions

    create table #udfs

           (in_rowid     int   identity(1,1),

           vc_name       nvarchar(128),

           vc_owner      nvarchar(128),

           bt_used              bit)


    insert into #udfs

           (vc_name, vc_owner, bt_used)

    select sysobjects.[name], sysusers.[name], 0

    from sysobjects inner join sysusers on sysobjects.uid = sysusers.uid

    where sysobjects.xtype = 'FN' and sysobjects.[name] not like 'dt%'                       --and sysobjects.[name] not like 'dbo%'


    -- loop through this table and build / execute the change owner, and the grant

    while exists (select * from #udfs where bt_used = 0)


           select top 1

                  @intRowid = in_rowid, @strName = vc_name, @strOwner = vc_owner

           from #udfs where bt_used = 0


           if @strOwner <> 'dbo'


                  select @strExecLine = 'sp_changeobjectowner ''' + @strName + ''',''dbo'''

           --     print @strExecLine

                  exec (@strExecLine)



           -- revoke access before regranting it

           select @strExecLine = 'revoke all on ' + @strName + ' from [public] '

           exec (@strExecLine)


           select @strExecLine = 'grant execute on ' + @strname + ' to [public]'

           exec (@strExecLine)



           update #udfs

           set bt_used = 1

           where in_rowid = @intRowid



    drop table #udfs


  • Oh boy I'm happy:-)

    This was more than I expected.

    Thanks guys...

  • The folowing link provides more information about the fixed roles and what could they do, provided just as General Information:




  • Thanks!


    I modified it to use the existing owner name that I need changed to avoid an Invalid object name error.


           if @strOwner = 'existingname'


                  select @strExecLine = 'sp_changeobjectowner 'existingname.'' + @strName + ''',''dbo'''

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