DTS: EM crashes when defining a text file source

  • When I create a simple package involving a text file as a source, Enterprise Manager crashes with an application error.

    Specifically, I the source is a SQL database with a TrasformDataTask that selects a simple query from sql table inserting into the destination text file.

    However, when I create a TransformDataTask and try to define the columns to be in the text file, it crashes. On the Source tab, I enter a query, then when I click ok, it jumps to the third tab-Transformation. But I can't define the destiation columns using Copy or Write File. So I switch back to the Destination tab and click Execute. Then I click Define columns and it crashes with the typical memory exception error:

    mmc.exe application error

    ..xx00099xx etc..the memory could not be written

    I have SQLSrv 2000 sp3. Is there a mmc fix? Thanks.


  • I got the same issue with some packages. When you tried to go to the transforamtion tab is when SQL Server hangs or closed? That was my case. I ended up using a different machine with XP or Win 2K Advanced edition. I posted the same question in some groups, but never got an answer. In any event, that's what I did. I created the pacakges in either of those machines and saved them as Structured Storage File (.dts) and moved them to the server I needed them (different network and location) Any time I had to modify the packages, I had to do it at those machines and grab them again. Good Luck

  • Thanks for the tips. I'll try them.

    One work around seems to be to not use SELECT *, but rather SELECT field1, field3, etc. For testing, I used * because the test table was small had only 3 fields.


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