Cannot drop the database XXX because it is being used for replication.

  • When I try to drop the XXX database SQLServer returns me this error message:

    Server: Msg 3724, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

    Cannot drop the database XXX because it is being used for replication.

    I've also tried to execute the following code but nothing has changed.

    exec sp_removedbreplication 'XXX'


    exec sp_dboption 'XXX','published',false


    exec sp_dboption 'XXX','merge publish',false


    The XXX DB is a restore of "Distribution" database of a Production Server that is a publication server!

    Someone can help me?

    Thanks for all suggestions!!!



  • Please, run sp_helpreplicationdb to check with databases are marked for replication.

    Distribution is for replication but should not be marked for replication, so you should be able to restore it at any time.

  • I want to drop XXX Db that contains a restore of "distribution" database of a production server. I've tried to use sp_helpreplicationdb but I'm not be able to drop XXX DB.

    Can you give me some more advices?





  • what type of replication?

    What I've had to run to make sure my scripts are starting clean for merge replication are as follows:

    'Drop any subscriptions

    exec sp_dropmergesubscription @publication = N'<publication>''

    'Drop the publication

    exec sp_dropmergepublication @publication = N'<publication>'

    'Set the DB to not be for replication

    exe sp_replicationdboption @dbname= N'<db>' @optname=N'merge publish' @value = 'FALSE'

    If you're using trans rep I believe the commands are similar.

    Also if you go into EM and right-click the publication you can choose 'generate script' which will give you the option to see the script for creating or droping the publications.




  • although it's not recommended, sometimes you 'll have to update the REPLINFO column in SYSOBJECTS.


  • You can restore another database backup, that don`t have replications configured,  over the database that you want to delete(with the "force restore over existing database" option marked). Doing this you will overwrite the sysobjects lines that saves the replication parameters and the SQL Server will alow you to delete the database.

    I hope It`s easy to understand..


  • Nonenone!! Thanks a lot!!!

  • take the datbase offline and then drop it.



  • Set Category for the database to 0 in master.dbo.sysdatabases. Then you can delete it.

  • Hi

    I have the same problem

    I tried the following

    update sysdatabases

    set Category = 0

    where dbid = 13

    but I get the following error

    Msg 259, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.

  • write this and then try to update the system table

    sp_configure 'allow updates',1

    reconfigure with override

    Then after the update execute this

    sp_configure 'allow updates',0

    reconfigure with override

  • Hi,

    Try to setup Server Seeting-> Server behaiver->allow modifications to be made directly to system catalogs

    Richard Yang

  • This will let you update. This is dangerous so make sure to run allow updates 0

    sp_configure 'allow updates',1




    update sysdatabases set category=0 where name = 'xxx'

    sp_configure 'allow updates',0




  • Is this any help?

    Graham Okely B App Sc
    Senior Database Administrator

  • I got the same problem.I tried to solved it.Then I checked "Replication" item,found that I set up the Publications rule for the detached database.So you can check the Publication and Subscriptions.

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