Multiple instances or one which is better and why?

  • I'm looking at consolidating several severs all on a new SQL2000. I will be

    purchasing 2 SQLserver processors licenses. What I would like to know is what advantages I can enjoy or disadvantage of implementing multiple



  • One situation where I was forced to use multiple instances was because I needed to allow one group of users to run SQL Profiler on a set of databases but not on others.  Because SQL2K requires you to have sysadmin rights to run Profiler, I had to choice but to create 2 instances.  This might be something you need to consider.

    Having 2 instances running large databases might require you to set the maximum memory accessible by each instance, otherwise each will be grabbing as much as they can when the opportunity arises.

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  • We are using different instances for different bo's, and one for website related databases. Just for security reasons.

  • We recently did a consolidation evaluation - multiple instances have memory issues, i.e. you really need to set min & max memory otherwise you will get problems, adv server only allows 8Gb ram which isn't much when you put say 4 instances on the box, you'd be limited to around 1.5gb ram for each .. then you'd really need to cluster it as if you loose the box for some reason you loose 4 servers ( effectively ) of course clustering requires seperate resource groups for each instance, you might have standards for locations of log and data drives which a multiple instance ( on a cluster anyway ) might not be able to support.

    It's an interesting subject, I feel that a large server with a default instance and multiple databases is the better consolidation option. w2003 allows 16Gb ram btw.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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