Making 2servers on 2PCs with same database?

  • Hi everyone,

    Is there anyone can tell me how to make 2 servers on two PC's with a same database, but connected to same LAN (and different Network ,i mean with over large distance) plz ?

  • I have no idea if I have any clue what you are talking about.  Here's a stab in the dark though.

    You want to have one database (Jokes) for example.

    You have two servers, one in Africa and one in the North Pole.

    You are probably trying to ask one of two questions:

    • You want to be able to access the database from both servers at the same time.  So both the server in Africa and the server in the North Pole can add new jokes and read new jokes.  Is this right?
    • Or, possibly you want to have a copy of the Jokes database on both servers at the same time.  They would then update each other.  Is this right?

    Let us know if I'm on the right planet.  If not, please describe in short sentences exactly what you are trying to accomplish.  Start by showing how the servers will be setup.  Then, explain how the databases would be setup.  Then explain what you would do with the data.  We should then be able to help you a little better.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • I agree with Derrick.  It sounds like you want either a log shipping environment or an active/active cluster environment but untill we get more information it is difficult to tell.

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