Active directory 2003 and SQL7 servers integration

  • We have 2 SQL 7 servers sp4 on Windows 2000 server  in Windows NT4 SAM Directory i want to kow if we make an on place migration (from NT4 SAM to Active Directory 2003)  if the NT authentification  will be ok when we ll have AD 2003  
    (i want to know if there is any problem with NT authentification in AD 2003 environnement with SQL 7 servers). thanks about your answer 
    oliver Blanchard France 
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  • Hi, I have a couple of SQL Server 7.0 SP4 on NT4 Servers. Our Domain Controllers were Windows 2000 for a couple of years and now they are Windows 2003.

    I did not see any problems with Windows 2003 Domain for Windows Authentication for SQL Server 7.0.

    We did have one application authentication fail during the domain migration from 2000 to 2003 and that application did use SQL Server database, but this application authentication was NOT SQL Server Integrated or Standard. It was an application provided custom authentication using  some old protocols. 

    Another thing: I am not able to connect to SQL Server 7.0 from SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, it says SQL Server 7 is not supported.


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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