Trying to use variable to get column data.

  • Hi,

    I'm not a SQL pro at all and I was trying to generate one SQL statement that reads one table to get the table name and then updates that table with information.

    TableList (table) contains the following columns:  TableId - integer, TableName - nvarchar(50), NextId - integer

    I want to read through all the tables in TableList, and return the Max value of one of the columns in that table.  I then want to update that Max value back to the TableList.  An additional problem is that the column name I want to get the Max of will be genned on the fly (as the column name does not exist in TableList and is dependant on the TableName).  I will be appending some characters with the tablename and getting the Max of that column.  Am I making any sense at all?

    Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks.



  • How about something like:

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(2000)

    DECLARE @out integer

    --loop through all tables in tablelist

    DECLARE @objName VARCHAR(50)

    SET @objName = ''

    WHILE @objName IS NOT NULL


      SELECT @objName = MIN( TableName )

      FROM TableList

      WHERE TableName > @objName

      IF @objName IS NOT NULL


        -- Insert code to do stuff here.

        SET @sql = 'SELECT @out = MAX(' + @objName + '123) FROM ' + @objName

        SELECT  @sql

        EXEC sp_executesql @sql,,N'@out Int OUTPUT',@out OUTPUT




    You will have to correct the column name as I just appended 123 to the table name to create a column  name, but this gives you an idea.  The variable @out is available after the sP_executesql statement and you can then write an INSERT statement to insert this value in the TableList table using the @objectName as a key.  Hope this gives you a start.


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