dbMaestro Freeware Edition

  • The Community Update mentioned this product a couple of time so I thought I'd give it a try.  I was unable to install it thought  (I'm running Windows 2000 Professional).  I go though most of the install before receiving a message saying "The wizard was interupted before dbMaestro Freeware Edition could be installed.  Your setup has not been modified...Please run setup again. "  I tried a couple more times but evertime the same result.  I contacted the vendor but they have ignored me.  Has anyone else tried this product?  with success?


  • Hi fhanlon,

    dbMaestro is a stable product and usually installs with no difficulty.

    I've conducted an internal check and we dont have any open cases (let alone unanswered ones). It is likely that your request has not reahced our support team. Please contact our support at: support@extreme.co.il

    or contact me directly at itamar@extreme.co.il and I will make sure you receive help until your problem is resolved.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience and hope that from now on you will have a smooth ride.


    Itamar Shamshins,

    dbMaestro Product Manager,

    Extreme Technologies


    Mobile: +972-52-4844471

    Office: +972-3-9248558


  • Thanks Itamar perhaps my previous email was lost or misdirected. I will contact you directly with details. 


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