Need Help w/ Another Query

  • I have the following 3 tables:


    TABLE: Person

    PersonID, PersonName


    TABLE: Apartment

    ApartmentID, PersonID, ApartmentNo


    TABLE: Rent

    RentID, ApartmentID, DateOfRentTakingEffect, RentAmount


    I'd like to select all the apartments that a particular person lived in but only display the highest rent that they paid.  So far I've got...


    SELECT p.PersonName, a.ApartmentNo, r.DateOfRentTakingEffect, r.RentAmount

    FROM Person p

    JOIN Apartment a

    ON p.PersonID = a.PersonID

    JOIN Rent r

    ON a.apartmentID = r.apartmentID

    WHERE p.PersonID = 1

    The thing is that I'm getting back too many results when there are multiple rents for an apartment.  I'm not sure how to restrict this query to show only the highest rent that was paid.



  • Instead of selecting all the results from Rent you need to select the MAX Rent so add a Select Statment in place of the Table Rent and use a Group By Clause with having in place of the where.

    SELECT p.PersonName, a.ApartmentNo, r.DateOfRentTakingEffect, r.RentAmount

    FROM Person p

    JOIN Apartment a

    ON p.PersonID = a.PersonID

    JOIN (Rent) r

    ON a.apartmentID = r.apartmentID

    GROUP BY a.apartmentID

    HAVING p.PersonID = 1


  • I'm still having no success with this.  I'm going to list everything here in case someone is kind enough to take a look at this.  I can seriously use the help. Basically, I'm trying to select the amount of rent paid for an apartment on the date of the most recent lease.  I'm making that the assumption that each lease is for 1 year only.  As an example, let's assume that John Smith lived in the same building for 4 years.  The first 2 years he lived in apartment "2B" and the next 2 years he lived in apartment "3C".  This means he signed a total of 4 leases.

    In my example (below) he signed lease 1 on 1/1/2000 (for apartment "2B") and paid $1250.  He signed lease 2 on 1/1/2001 (also for apartment "2B") and paid $950 (for some reason they significantly lowered his rent).  He signed lease 3 on 1/1/2002 (for apartment "3C") and paid $1450.  He signed lease 4 on 1/1/2003 (again for apartment "3C") and paid $1700 (a pretty big raise in his rent).

    I'm trying to write a query that will figure out the amount of money he paid on his most recent lease for each apartment.  So, in my example, apartment 2B would return $950 and apartment 3C would return $1700.  I wrote the query (below) but it has an error that I can't resolve.  Below are the tables (with the actual data) as well as the query I wrote and its output...

    TABLE: Person

    PersonID: 1

    PersonName: "John Smith"

    TABLE: Apartment

    ApartmentID: 1,2

    PersonID: 1,1

    ApartmentNo: "2B", "3C"

    TABLE: Rent

    RentID: 1,2,3,4

    ApartmentID 1,1,2,2

    DateOfRentTakingEffect: "1/1/2000", "1/1/2001", "1/1/2002", "1/1/2003"

    RentAmount: 1250, 950, 1450, 1700


    SELECT p.PersonID, p.PersonName, a.ApartmentNo as "AptNo", max(r.RentAmount) as "MostRecentRent", max(r.DateOfRentTakingEffect) as "MostRecentLeaseDate"

    FROM Person p

    JOIN Apartment a

    ON p.PersonID = a.PersonID

    JOIN Rent r

    ON a.ApartmentID = r.ApartmentID

    GROUP BY r.ApartmentID, a.ApartmentNo, p.PersonID, p.PersonName

    HAVING p.PersonID = "1"


    PersonID: 1,1

    PersonName: "John Smith, "John Smith"

    AptNo: "2B", "3C"

    MostRecentRent: 1250, 1700

    MostRecentLeaseDate: 1/1/2001, 1/1/2003

    Everything is correct except the Rent for the 1st returned row.  I know the cause of it (I'm using the "max" function) but I can't figure out a solution.  Basically I'd like to somehow tie the "DateOfRentTakingEffect" to the "RentAmount" but I don't know how to do it.


  • You got the results that you asked for.  Max Date and Max Amount. 

    If all you want is the Amount on the Max Date then remove the Max criteria from the Amount field.


  • My last post was incorrect, as was my first since the group by needed to be done in an Exists clause.  This should give you what you need.

    SELECT p.PersonID, p.PersonName, a.ApartmentNo, r.RentAmount as "Most Recent Rent", r.DateOfRentTakingEffect

    FROM Person p

    INNER JOIN Apartment a

    ON p.PersonID = a.PersonID

    INNER JOIN Rent r

    ON a.ApartmentID = r.ApartmentID

    GROUP BY p.PersonID, p.PersonName, a.ApartmentNo, r.RentAmount, r.DateOfRentTakingEffect

    HAVING p.PersonID = 1


    (SELECT rr.ApartmentID, max(rr.DateOfRentTakingEffect) as RentDate

    FROM RENT rr

    GROUP BY rr.ApartmentID

    HAVING max(rr.DateOfRentTakingEffect) = r.DateOfRentTakingEffect)


  • Another solution that may be a little better (in terms of performance) would be:

    SELECT p.PersonID, p.PersonName, a.ApartmentNo, 
     r1.RentAmount as LatestRent, r1.DateOfRentTakingEffect
    FROM Rent r1 
    INNER JOIN Apartment a ON r1.ApartmentID=a.ApartmentID
    INNER JOIN Person p ON a.PersonID=p.PersonID
    WHERE r1.DateOfRentTakingEffect=(
     SELECT MAX(r2.DateOfRentTakingEffect) 
     FROM Rent r2 WHERE r2.ApartmentID=r1.ApartmentID
    ) AND p.PersonID = 1


    PS. To be sure that you don't get too many rows you should also add a constraint to be sure that you don't rent the same apartment twice in the same day:

    ALTER TABLE Rent ADD UNIQUE (DateOfRentTakingEffect, ApartmentID)

  • Thanks guys, it worked.  Your help is very much appreciated.  Many thanks!

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