Service wont restart after a reboot

  • I have yanked all my hair out over this.  I have a sql server box that despite giving the SQLservice account full rights on both SQL Server 2000 and the Windows 2000 box will not start the MSSQLSERVER service after a reboot.

    It reports logon failure, the solution baffles me as I just log on to the box remotely, retype the logon password in the service and poof, it's granted and the service can be started manually



  • First, check "Autostart SQL Server" is ticked in your SQL Server's Properties (In SQL Enterprise Manager, right-click the server and choose properties. The autostart options are in the general tab).

    Have you given the SQLService account 'Logon as Service' rights?

    Look in:

    - Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy. Expand the Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment tree. Make sure that the SQLService account is in 'Log on as a Service' and it's ticked.

    Has Sql server been leaving any notes in the Event Log? (Application or System Log)


    Julian Kuiters

  • I'd agree with Julian - check the SQL Service rights.  That's definitely a good place to start.

    If you're using a [domain] login rather than a local login, and the domain is unreachable, you may get a login failure for the service.  Try using a local login if this is the case.

    If nothing else, try logging off the box and logging back on using the account info you're using for the SQL Server service and see what happens.  (That may give you a better picture of what's breaking).

    Good luck.

  • Make sure that the startup account assigned to the MSSQLServer Service is a member of the Local Administrators group, and if the BUILTIN\Administrators SQL Server login has been removed, you must add the startup account for the MSSQLServer service or the SQLServerAgent service, or both, to the SQL Server system administrators (sysadmin) role.

    Don’t forget to Grant the [Domain\NTaccount] user a logon to SQL Server.


  • Don't forget to verify ALL patches are applied (both Windows 2000 and SQL).  Also check MDAC.





  • also check to make sure that the service account properties does not have password expiration. our domain has that policy and when the account was set up, by default, the password expired in 60 days.

    under the account properties, make sure the "password never expires" option is ticked.

    maybe try setting up a different service account and make sure you change it through EM.  Right-click the server -> properties -> Security Tab -> Startup Service account.

    EM will make sure all the appropriate security privileges are set for that account.

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