Calling a stored proc from ASP and VB

  • I have the following stored procedure.  It extracts information from 2 tables, based on a provided date for a specified number of days.  It then does some simple calculations and inserts the result into a memory table.  The memory table is returned.  When I call this from Enterprise Manager or the Query Analyzer it returns a recordset with the correct results.


    The problem is when calling the proc from ASP or VB any attempt to access the recordset get “Operation cannot be performed on a closed object.”  I get no error messages up to and through the execute/open – only the access FOLLOWING the open.  I stepped through the VB code watching the command object and everything seems to be setup properly.



    Following the stored procedure code is the ASP and VB code.




    ********* STORED PROCEDURE **************************************



    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetFoodService]

          @StartDate Datetime,

          @Days Int




          DECLARE @@MaxMeals Int

          DECLARE @@WorkDate Datetime

          DECLARE @@FoodTable Table(CurDate Datetime, Breakfast Int, Lunch Int, Kosher Int)

          DECLARE @@Breakfast Int

          DECLARE @@Lunch Int

          DECLARE @@Kosher Int

          DECLARE @@BFInd bit

          DECLARE @@LInd bit

          DECLARE @@KCount Int

          DECLARE @@NAttend Int

          DECLARE @@Junk varchar(50)




          SELECT @@MaxMeals = OptionValue FROM tblOptions WHERE OptionID = 'MaxMeals'

          If @@ERROR <> 0


                PRINT 'Unable to read max number of meals'

                RETURN -1



          Set @@WorkDate = @StartDate

          WHILE @Days > 0


                Set @@Breakfast = 0

                Set @@Lunch = 0

                Set @@Kosher = 0

                DECLARE WorkCursor Cursor For

                SELECT dbo.tbl1general.EventID, dbo.tbl1general.StaffContact, dbo.tbl1general.NumbofAttendees, dbo.tbl1General3.Breakfast,

                      dbo.tbl1General3.Lunch, dbo.tbl1General3.Kosher, dbo.tbl1general.Date1, dbo.tbl1general.Date2,


                FROM dbo.tbl1general INNER JOIN

                      dbo.tbl1General3 ON dbo.tbl1general.EventID = dbo.tbl1General3.EventID

                WHERE (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Breakfast = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date1 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Breakfast = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date2 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Breakfast = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date3 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Lunch = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date1 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Lunch = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date2 = @@WorkDate) OR

                      (dbo.tbl1general.Canceled = 0) AND (dbo.tbl1General3.Lunch = 1) AND (dbo.tbl1general.Date3 = @@WorkDate)

                ORDER BY dbo.tbl1general.EventID

                OPEN WorkCursor

                If @@ERROR <> 0


                      PRINT 'Error accessing food service request counts'

                      RETURN -2


                FETCH NEXT FROM WorkCursor into @@Junk, @@Junk, @@NAttend, @@BFInd, @@LInd, @@KCount, @@Junk, @@Junk, @@Junk

                If @@ERROR <> 0


                      PRINT 'Error accessing food service request counts'

                      RETURN -2


                WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


                      If @@BFInd = 1


                            Set @@Breakfast = @@Breakfast + @@NAttend


                      If @@LInd = 1


                            Set @@Lunch = @@Lunch + @@NAttend


                      Set @@Kosher = @@Kosher + @@KCount

                      FETCH NEXT FROM WorkCursor into @@Junk, @@Junk, @@NAttend, @@BFInd, @@Lind, @@KCount, @@Junk,@@ Junk, @@Junk

                      If @@ERROR <> 0


                            PRINT 'Error accessing food service request counts'

                            RETURN -2



                INSERT INTO @@FoodTable VALUES(@@WorkDate, @@Breakfast, @@Lunch, @@Kosher)

                If @@ERROR <> 0


                      PRINT 'Error saving food service request counts'

                      RETURN -3


                CLOSE WorkCursor

                DEALLOCATE WorkCursor

                Set @@WorkDate = DateAdd(Day, 1, @@WorkDate)

                Set @Days = @Days - 1


          SELECT * FROM @@FoodTable


          RETURN @@MaxMeals







    ********** ASP CODE USING A COMMAND OBJECT ***********************



    dim cmnd

    dim rsFoodCount

    dim nMaxFood


          Set cmnd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

          cmnd.ActiveConnection = "a long valid connection string"

          cmnd.CommandText = "sp_GetFoodService"

          cmnd.Parameters("@StartDate") = '2/27/2004'

          cmnd.Parameters("@Days") = 3

          Set rsFoodCount = cmnd.Execute

          nMaxFood = cmnd.Parameters(0)





    ********** ASP CODE USING JUST A RECORDSET ***********************



    dim rsFoodCount


          Set rsFoodCount = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

          rsFoodCount.Open "sp_GetFoodService '2/7/2004', 3","a long valid connection string",0,1, 1






    ********** VB CODE ***********************************************


    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim cmnd As ADODB.Command

    Dim rsFoodCount As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim nMaxFood As Integer


        Set cmnd = New ADODB.Command

        cmnd.ActiveConnection = "a long valid connection string"

        cmnd.CommandType = 4  'adCmdStoredProc

        cmnd.CommandText = "sp_GetFoodService"

        cmnd.Parameters("@StartDate") = "2/7/2004"

        cmnd.Parameters("@Days") = 3

        Set rsFoodCount = cmnd.Execute

        nMaxFood = cmnd.Parameters(0)


    End Sub

  • I believe the problem is that your parameters are not being created properly.  Try using the following lines of code in place of the two "cmnd.Parameters" lines of code in VB example:

    cmnd.Parameters.Append cmnd.CreateParameter("@StartDate", adDateTime, adParamInput, , "2/7/2004")

    cmnd.Parameters.Append cmnd.CreateParameter("@Days", adInteger, adParamInput, , '3')

    You may also want to add a recordset to execute the stored procedure:

    Set objrs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    objrs.Open cmnd


  • Thanks, but I had tried both of these.  I tried them again just to be sure and still got the same "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed." message

  • Try using the following line of code:

    rsFoodCount.Open cmnd

    in place of the following line:

    Set rsFoodCount = cmnd.Execute

  • Thanks, but I already tried that one - no effect.


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