SQL Analyser vs View Designer

  • I have a query that parses and runs in both the query analyser and the view designer, my problem is when i try to save the view i get an error message "View definition includes no output columns or includes no items in the FROM clause"

    Now, the query produces 100 rows of output and the FROM clause looks like this -

    FROM (([Order headers] INNER JOIN

    [Works order lines] ON [Order headers].[Works order number] = [Works order lines].[Order number]) INNER JOIN

    [Invoice address] ON [Order headers].[Account reference] = [Invoice address].Account) INNER JOIN

    Products ON [Works order lines].[Sales code] = Products.[Sales code]

    can anyone shed some light on this please, as it makes no sense to me whatsoever.

  • Well, I don't know what the problem with query designer was (tho there are CASE statements which it didn't seem to like too much) but I solved the problem by creating the view from query analyser rather than enterprise manager. i hate GUIs anyway ...

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