Cursor in ExecuteSQL task "drops" some values

  • Please help me figure out why this script works everywhere except where it should.


    Running a DTS Job accross multiple servers that checks database size. It's a modified sp_spaceused inside a cursor using sysdatabases. The script checks DB stats and inserts values per database into a table on another server.

    Setup is:

    1. DTS package create

    2. Connections set to servers that need to be checked and the server containing the table for the stats.

    3. ExecuteSQL Task created per target server

    4. Save and Schedule package


    When running the script that reads the DB size stats in Query analyser, the select from sysdatabases used to populate the cursor works properly and values for each database on the target server are inserted into the stats table. The script also works properly when using "execute step" on a single step in DTS Designer. The script doesn't work when running multiple ExecuteSQL tasks in a DTS Package - It doesn't return db stats for some of the names that should be selected by the cursor on sysdatabases.

    Script to check stats:

    --declare @idint-- The object id of @objname.
    --declare @typecharacter(2) -- The object type.
    declare @servername varchar(20)
    declare@pagesint-- Working variable for size calc.
    declare @dbname sysname
    declare @datapage dec(15,2)
    declare @datapageMB dec(15,2)
    declare @LogpageMB dec(15,2)
    declare @logpage dec(15,2)
    declare @unallocatedpage decimal(15,2)
    declare @bytesperpagedec(15,2)
    declare @pagesperMB dec(15,2)
    DECLARE @DataPlusLogMB decimal(15,2)
    DECLARE @Unallocated decimal(15,2)
    declare @SQLstring nvarchar(4000)

    -- Get the bytes per page
    SELECT @bytesperpage = low
    FROM master.dbo.spt_values
    WHERE number = 1
    AND type = 'E'

    SET @pagesperMB = 1048576 / @bytesperpage

    set @servername = 'Put Server Name Here'

    SELECT name
    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

    OPEN SpaceUsed

    INTO @DBName


    -- select @datapage = sum(convert(dec(15),size))
    --from @dbname.dbo.sysfiles
    --where (status & 64 = 0)
    Set @SQLstring = 'select @datapage = sum(convert(dec(15),size)) '
    Set @SQLstring = @SQLstring + 'from ' + @dbname + '.dbo.sysfiles '
    Set @SQLstring = @SQLstring + 'where (status & 64 = 0)'

    Print @SQLstring
    exec sp_executesql @SQLstring, N'@datapage decimal(15,0) OUTPUT', @datapage OUTPUT
    --select @dbname + ' Data Device: ' + cast(@datapage as varchar(20))
    Print @dbname
    --select @logpage = sum(convert(dec(15),size))
    --from dbo.sysfiles
    --where (status & 64 <> 0)
    Set @SQLString = 'select @logpage = sum(convert(dec(15),size)) '
    Set @SQLString = @SQLString + 'from ' + @dbname + '.dbo.sysfiles '
    Set @SQLString = @SQLString + 'where (status & 64 <> 0)'

    Print @SQLstring
    exec sp_executesql @SQLstring, N'@logpage decimal(15,0) OUTPUT', @logpage OUTPUT
    --select @dbname + ' Log Device: ' + cast(@logpage as varchar(20))

    Set @SQLString = 'SELECT @unallocatedpage = SUM(CAST(reserved AS decimal(15,0))) '
    Set @SQLString = @SQLString + 'FROM '+ @dbname + '.dbo.sysindexes '
    Set @SQLString = @SQLString + 'WHERE indid IN (0, 1, 255) '

    Print @SQLstring
    exec sp_executesql @SQLstring, N'@unallocatedpage decimal(15,0) OUTPUT', @unallocatedpage OUTPUT
    --select @dbname + ' Unallocated: ' + cast(@unallocatedpage as varchar(20))

    SET @DataPlusLogMB = (@datapage + @logpage) / @pagesperMB
    SET @Unallocated =(@datapage - @unallocatedpage) / @pagesperMB
    SET @DataPageMB = @datapage / @pagesperMB
    SET @LogPageMB = @logpage / @pagesperMB

    -- Change Server name Here - refer below

    If not Exists (select * from ServerName.DBName.dbo.DatabaseStats
    where DatabaseName like @DBName
    and datediff(day, recorddate, getdate())=0)
    Insert Into ServerName.DBName.dbo.DatabaseStats(ServerName,DatabaseName, UsedSpace,FreeSpace,DataDevice, LogDevice, RecordDate)
    Values(@servername, @dbname, @DataPlusLogMB,@Unallocated,@DataPageMB,@LogPageMB, getdate())

    INTO @DBName

    CLOSE SpaceUsed
    DEALLOCATE SpaceUsed


    And the script to create the table for the stats

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DatabaseStats] (
    [StatsID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
    [ServerName] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    [DatabaseName] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    [UsedSpace] [decimal](18, 2) NULL ,
    [FreeSpace] [decimal](18, 2) NULL ,
    [DataDevice] [decimal](18, 2) NULL ,
    [LogDevice] [decimal](18, 2) NULL ,
    [RecordDate] [datetime] NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DatabaseStats] WITH NOCHECK ADD
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Why, why? - it seems so simple but why doesn't it work.


  • Are there possibly any database names with invalid characters around them.... thus needing square brackets in the dynamic sql?

    Not that I'm anti-cursor, but I do avoid them when I can, so I often use code such as the following if possible:

    select [dbname]=db_name(), * into #sysfiles from sysfiles where 1=2
    select [dbname]=db_name(), * into #sysindexes from sysindexes where 1=2
    exec sp_MSforeachdb '
    use -- that's a square bracket, question mark, square bracket.
    dbcc updateusage (0) with no_infomsgs
    insert #sysfiles select ''?'', * from sysfiles
    insert #sysindexes select ''?'', * from sysindexes
    -- then process the #sysfiles and #sysindexes tables containing info for all DBs


    - Mark

    Edited by - mccork on 12/17/2003 03:31:23 AM

    - Mark

  • Thanks for response.

    I understand why using sp_MSforeachdb would be a good option, So all I have to do is get all the detail out of the temp tables instead of running it per dbname in cursor?

    I don't understand what this does though.

    select [dbname]=db_name(), * into #sysfiles from sysfiles where 1=2
    select [dbname]=db_name(), * into #sysindexes from sysindexes where 1=2


  • quote:

    I don't understand what this does though.

    select [dbname]=db_name(), * into #sysfiles from sysfiles where 1=2

    select [dbname]=db_name(), * into #sysindexes from sysindexes where 1=2

    They will create temporary tables (structure only) based on the original tables.

    [dbname]=db_name() is necessary to create a new column with the correct datatype.

    where 1=2 is a condition that can never be true and no data will be selected.

    Therefore the result will be two temporary tables based on the originals with no data (structure only).

    p.s sp_MSforeachdb uses a cursor, dynamic sql and a temp table

    Edited by - davidburrows on 12/17/2003 06:30:21 AM

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks. I'll put the whole thing together now and post the resulting script.

  • It works.

    Thanks for all the input - Much appreciated.

    I used the script on SQL 2000 on which @@Servername didn't seem to work.

    For SQL 7.0, use @@servername instead of:

    declare @servername varchar(30)
    SELECT @servername = CONVERT(varchar(30), SERVERPROPERTY('servername'))

    One last thing... Any ideas on how to get this query to run through Firewall 1. Logs don't show dropping/rejecting of any packets along this path?


    Description: Checks size of each Db on server and inserts values into stats DB on linked server.
    Date: 17/12/2003

    select [dbname]=db_name(), * into #sysfiles from sysfiles where 1=2
    select [dbname]=db_name(), * into #sysindexes from sysindexes where 1=2
    select ServerName,DatabaseName, UsedSpace,FreeSpace,DataDevice, LogDevice, RecordDate into #stats from ServerName.DatabaseName.dbo.DatabaseStats where 1=2
    exec sp_MSforeachdb'
    use dbcc updateusage (0) with no_infomsgs
    insert #sysfiles select ''?'', * from sysfiles
    insert #sysindexes select ''?'', * from sysindexes
    declare @servername varchar(30)
    declare @datapage dec(15,2)
    declare @datapageMB dec(15,2)
    declare @LogpageMB dec(15,2)
    declare @logpage dec(15,2)
    declare @unallocatedpage decimal(15,2)
    declare @bytesperpagedec(15,2)
    declare @pagesperMB dec(15,2)
    DECLARE @DataPlusLogMB decimal(15,2)
    DECLARE @Unallocated decimal(15,2)

    SELECT @bytesperpage = low
    FROM master.dbo.spt_values
    WHERE number = 1
    AND type = ''E''
    SET @pagesperMB = 1048576 / @bytesperpage
    SELECT @servername = CONVERT(varchar(30), SERVERPROPERTY(''servername''))

    select @datapage = sum(convert(dec(15),size))
    from #sysfiles
    where (status & 64 = 0)
    and dbname like ''?''

    select @logpage = sum(convert(dec(15),size))
    from #sysfiles
    where (status & 64 <> 0)
    and dbname like ''?''

    SELECT @unallocatedpage = SUM(CAST(reserved AS decimal(15,0)))
    FROM #sysindexes
    WHERE indid IN (0, 1, 255)
    and dbname like ''?''

    SET @DataPlusLogMB = (@datapage + @logpage) / @pagesperMB
    SET @Unallocated =(@datapage - @unallocatedpage) / @pagesperMB
    SET @DataPageMB = @datapage / @pagesperMB
    SET @LogPageMB = @logpage / @pagesperMB

    Insert Into #stats(ServerName,DatabaseName, UsedSpace,FreeSpace,DataDevice, LogDevice, RecordDate)
    Values(@servername, ''?'', @DataPlusLogMB,@Unallocated,@DataPageMB,@LogPageMB, getdate())

    declare @servername varchar(30)
    SELECT @servername = CONVERT(varchar(30), SERVERPROPERTY('servername'))

    If not Exists (select * from ServerName.DatabaseName.dbo.DatabaseStats
    where Servername like @Servername
    and datediff(day, recorddate, getdate())=0)
    Insert Into ServerName.DatabaseName.dbo.DatabaseStats(ServerName,DatabaseName, UsedSpace,FreeSpace,DataDevice, LogDevice, RecordDate)
    select * from #stats

    --select* from #stats

    drop table #sysfiles
    drop table #sysindexes
    drop table #stats

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