concatenation of Records

  • I Have a concatenation Problem. I have a table That captures notes from users input. ID Field is a Datetime Field, Notes Field CHAR(70), Sequence_No Field smallint. The problem lies in that That the Notes Field are split into Different Records only identified by the ID and Sequenced by the Sequence_NO. I need to know how to concatenation all Similar Records ro Create one record. E.g.

    ID Datetime,

    Input_DT Datetime,

    Notes CHAR(70),

    Sequence_NO Smallint

    Record 1 Values

    01/01/3075 12:00:58 AM, 01/23/2003 3:35:17 PM, 'Plane left at 3 P.M. Passenger was late for', 1

    Record 2 Values

    01/01/3075 12:00:58 AM, 01/23/2003 3:35:17 PM,'Plane and Got to Counter 15 minutes Late', 2

    Record 3 Values

    01/01/3075 12:00:58 AM, 01/23/2003 3:35:17 PM,'Passenger asked to be placed on Next Flight', 3

    I Hope This is Not confusing. I need to concatenate the records to rebuild the entire nmessafe that has been broken into many Records identified by the ID Field And ordered by the sequence_No Field.

    Anthony Malone

    Anthony Malone

    -- For one record at a time...
    Declare @MessData Varchar(8000)
    Set @MessData = ''

    Select @MessData = @MessData + ' ' + Rtrim(Notes)

    Where ID = '01/01/3075 12:00:58 AM'
    And Input_DT = '01/23/2003 3:35:17 PM'
    Order by Sequence_NO

    Select ID, Input_DT, @MessData

    Where ID = '01/01/3075 12:00:58 AM'
    And Input_DT = '01/23/2003 3:35:17 PM'
    Order by Sequence_NO

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • You can do it using a temp table

    CREATE TABLE #temp ([ID] datetime,Notes varchar(7000)) 

    DECLARE @max smallint,@Sequence_No smallint
    SELECT @max = MAX(Sequence_No) FROM

    SET @Sequence_No = 0
    WHILE (@Sequence_No < @max)
    SET @Sequence_No = @Sequence_No + 1
    UPDATE t
    SET t.Notes = t.Notes + ' ' + CAST(a.Notes as varchar)
    FROM #temp t
    a ON a.[ID] = t.[ID] AND a.Sequence_No = @Sequence_No
    SELECT * FROM #temp
    DROP TABLE #temp

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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