Would like to automate daily manual import of an xls file into a table

  • Hello,

    I would like to know if it's possible to automate the following steps:

    1. Right-click existing table and delete

    2. Create a new table and import the xls file (DTS)

    3. Make a minor adjusment to the type and field size of 2 elements

    4. The table is ready

    I'm just barely dabbling in WMI+ADSI scripting.  I'm thinking that maybe the above steps could be scripted and the resulting script could be run through a schedule.  This is a daily manual task and would like to automate in full.  Your input is greatly appreciated

    We're running MS Windows 2000 Server and MS SQL Server 2000.



  • This can all easily be done in DTS.  See




    for ideas on how to write your DTS scripts.  You will need to write some DDL statements in an Execute SQL task to drop a table and alter columns.

    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

  • Wow!  Thanks for your reply.  It definitely steered me in the right direction.

    P.S. Clicked on your zendadacats.com link, loved them!


  • IF the structure of your table does not change from one load to the next, it might be easier and faster to TRUNCATE table tablename then do the import.


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