specifying a number of rows to return from sp

  • Hello,

    is it possible to specify a number of rows to return from a stored procedure?

    Say i order my rows by column A and I want the top 10 of those returned.

    Thanks for any help in advance.

  • In SQL Server 7.0 and higher the TOP operator is available. For instance:

    SELECT TOP 10 OrderID

    FROM dbo.Orders

    ORDER BY OrderDate

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • What about "SET ROWCOUNT" command?

  • SELECT TOP 10 OrderID

    FROM dbo.Orders

    ORDER BY OrderDate

    Does exactly what i wanted! Thanks a lot.

  • SET ROWCOUNT works, just Microsoft's recommendation is to use TOP.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • If you want to define the number of returned rows as a parameter the only possibility is ROWCOUNT like this example:

    create proc S_Sample @col1 int, @numrows int


    set rowcount @numrows

    select * from MyTable

    where col1 = @col1

    order by col2 desc


    So you will return only the first @numrows rows.




  • TOP works but I did come across a curious behaviour the other day. A fairly simple query without TOP ran in a few seconds. With TOP, I killed it after several minutes! This was reproducible and the only difference was replacing 'SELECT <selectlist> ...' with 'SELECT TOP 10 <selectlist> ...'. On checking, the execution plans were entirely different. If anybody can explain this, I would be fascinated.

  • Set rowcount has it's uses. One is to easily limit the results of a delete or update, the other is when you need to parameterize it. You can do set rowcount @RecCount, but not select top @Reccount.



  • quote:

    ... but not select top @Reccount ...

    ... unless you use dynamic SQL and sp_executesql (to make your plans reuseable)!

    best regards,


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