It is possible to call a stored procedure belonging to different database?

  • Hi i hope you can help me out here.

    I have a sql server with 2 databases on it (lets call them dbA and dbB). What i need to do is:

    1 somehow get a value from a table on dbA

    2 Depending on what the returned value is run a select statement on one of two tables in dbB


    what i have done up until now is connect to dbA run a stored procedure to get my value then make

    another totally separate connection to dbB run another stored procedure using my value and get the results.

    That as you can imagine is terribly inefficient.

    Thanks for any help you can provide


  • As long as the user account has access to dbA and dbB and has execute rights on both then you can use one connection and call either by 3 part name the SPs. Or as I have done call one SP to call the dbA one with OUTPUT parameters, then based on that have it decide the SP to call in dbB and return your resultset.

  • Easy!

    Put Databasename.. before the table name... eg:

    use dbB
    IF Exists (Select count(*) from dbA..TableA Where dbA..TableA.ID = 100)
    Select * from TableB
    Select * from TableC

    or example 2

    Select * 
      from dbA..TableA as TA 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN dbB..TableB as TB 
          ON TA.ID = TB.FID


    Julian Kuiters

  • Best practice is to fully qualify your names: in same database, for calling into another database.

    iof: " ...from dbA..TableA... "

    better: " ...from dbA.dbo.TableA... "´


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • true, but that does have security implications. using no owner name uses your current security context.

    Julian Kuiters

  • You still have the same security context if you use qualified names.

    specifying owner.object does not override your current security context for that object.

    Using qualified names will tell sql server exectly which object to look for and sql server will not have to work this out for itself, in some cases saving some time.

    BOL - "cross-database permissions", "Using Ownership Chains".


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • The only probem with using the table itself is you will have to grant permissions on the table itself. Unless you can cotnrol with Cross-Database Ownership Chaining option. I suggest either use a view or as you originally stated the SP wth an output variable to push data bits back.

  • Everyone: Thanks a lot for your input. I knew i could count

    on you guys!

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