As a DBA, one of the things that happens to me several times a day is finding
a chunk of SQL in my inbox or, worse still, on a piece of paper dropped on my
desk. Yes, it's SQL that performs poorly or doesn't do what the programmer
expected and now I'm asked to look at it. And, it's often the case that this
chunk of SQL is just plain ugly; hard to read and understand. There are two Best
Practices that frequently get applied to such messes before I really start
analyzing the problem…
BEST PRACTICE 1 - Use Mnemonic Table Aliases.
I found this chunk of SQL in a Sybase group today:
select distinct a.clone_id,b.collection_name,a.source_clone_id,a.image_clone_id,c.library_name,c.vector_name, c.host_name,d.plate,d.plate_row,d.plate_column,a.catalog_number,a.acclist,a.vendor_id,b.value,c.species,e.cluster from clone a,collection b,library c,location d, sequence e where a.collection_id = b.collection_id and a.library_id = c.source_lib_id and a.clone_id = d.clone_id and a.clone_id = e.clone_id and b.short_collection_type='cDNA' and b.is_public = 1 and = 1 and a.no_sale = 0 and e.cluster in (select cluster from master_xref_new where type='CLONE' and id='LD10094')
I'm sure the news client has damaged the formatting of this a little bit but
it's still obvious that the programmer didn't put any effort into making this
SQL readable and easy to understand. And there it was in the newsgroups and he
wanted us to read and understand it. Wonderful.
For me, the worst part of this query are the table aliases. A, B, C, D, E. I
find that I must continually refer back to the "from" clause to try and remember
what the heck A or E or whatever represents. Figuring out whether or not the
programmer has gotten the relationships right is a real pain in the neck with
this query. He's saved typing, sure, but at a tremendous cost in clarity. And
I've had much worse end up on my desk: tables from A to P on at least one
occasion and about three pages long, with some columns in the SELECT list that
weren't qualified by table aliases at all.
Let's rewrite this guy's query for him using this first Best Practice (I'm
not going to do anything about his spacing):
select distinct clo.clone_id,clc.collection_name,clo.source_clone_id,clo.image_clone_id,lib.library_name,lib.vector_name, lib.host_name,loc.plate,loc.plate_row,loc.plate_column,clo.catalog_number,clo.acclist,clo.vendor_id,clc.value,lib.species,seq.cluster from clone clo,collection clc,library lib,location loc, sequence seq where clo.collection_id = clc.collection_id and clo.library_id = lib.source_lib_id and clo.clone_id = loc.clone_id and clo.clone_id = seq.clone_id and clc.short_collection_type='cDNA' and clc.is_public = 1 and = 1 and clo.no_sale = 0 and seq.cluster in (select cluster from master_xref_new where type='CLONE' and id='LD10094')
Without bothering to fix the spacing, isn't this already easier to
understand? Which query lends itself to easier maintenance? Trust me, it's the
latter, every time.
In some situations, being able to easily identify the source table for a
column in the select list can be a big help, too. You may have two different
tables which have fields with identical names but which mean different things.
Catching those will be easier with mnemonics.
We can make another big improvement in this query with another best
Do this to clearly demonstrate the separation between "How do we relate these
tables to each other?" and "What rows do we care about in this particular
In this case, I can only guess what the programmer is up to but, if I were a
DBA at his site and knew the relationships between the tables, I could use this
"relating" vs. "qualifying" dichotomy to help troubleshoot his queries. Let's
rewrite this query again (but I'm still not going to do much about his spacing):
select distinct clo.clone_id,clc.collection_name,clo.source_clone_id,clo.image_clone_id,lib.library_name,lib.vector_name, lib.host_name,loc.plate,loc.plate_row,loc.plate_column,clo.catalog_number,clo.acclist,clo.vendor_id,clc.value,lib.species,seq.cluster from clone clo inner join collection clc on clo.collection_id = clc.collection_id inner join library lib on clo.library_id = lib.source_lib_id inner join location loc on clo.clone_id = loc.clone_id inner join sequence seq on clo.clone_id = seq.clone_id where clc.short_collection_type='cDNA' and clc.is_public = 1 and = 1 and clo.no_sale = 0 and seq.cluster in (select cluster from master_xref_new where type='CLONE' and id='LD10094')
I still can't say for sure that this query is right. However, the DBA that
does know this database is going to find it much easier to spot a missing
element of the relationship between, say, collection and clone. It's certainly
much easier to spot a situation where the programmer failed to include any
relationship to one of the tables (it would be obvious to us at this point), so
you get fewer accidental Cartesian Products.
In my experience, simply rewriting ugly queries according to these best
practices has often pointed up the nature of the problem and made the solution a
snap. This certainly happens often enough that taking the time to do the rewrite
is worth the trouble.
Another advantage of following this rule is that it allows you to readily
steal an important chunk of your SQL statements from any nearby statement that
already relates these tables. Just grab the FROM clause out of another
statement, put in the WHERE that's customized for this situation and you're
ready, with some confidence, to run the query. Being a lazy sort, this feature
is a real plus for me.
So, encourage mnemonic table aliases and use of ANSI JOIN syntax. As Red
Green says: "I'm pullin' for ya. We're all in this together." He's right; your
programmers might end up at my site or vice-versa someday.