Retrieve Last Record

  • Hello,

    Without using cursors, what is the best way to retrieve the last record within a table?



  • Hi Jenise,


    Without using cursors, what is the best way to retrieve the last record within a table?

    what exactly do you mean by 'last record'?

    There isn't such a thing as the last record in SQL.

    If you mean the 'last record' with respect to a certain column you could use something like

    SELECT TOP 1 <your_fields> FROM <your_table> ORDER BY <your_fields> DESC

    If you mean the last inserted on a table that has an indentity column, I think @@IDENTITY will give you the information


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Actually, I was looking for the last record that had been inserted with an identity column.

    Thank You!


  • SELECT MAX(myid)

    FROM mytable

    Replace myid with whatever column name is the ID column and replace mytable with the proper table name.


  • Or to retrieve the last record by myid issue:

    select * from mytable where myid = (select max(myid) from mytable)

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Sorry for butting in!

    If you are dealing with last value on IDENTITY columns I would suggest using:

    IDENT_CURRENT( <table_name> )

    According to my book it is always the fastest one. According to server traces it generates the least amounts of reads (IDENT_CURRENT is generating a 'Internal Scan of Constants instead of reading from the table) and does not touch the table in question.



    IDENT_CURRENT returns the last identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.


    SELECT *

    FROM <table_name>

    WHERE <identity_column> = IDENT_CURRENT('<table_name>')

    Regards, Hans!

    Edit: Didn't respond to the question 😛

    Edited by - hanslindgren on 09/18/2003 06:10:15 AM

  • quote:

    Sorry for butting in!

    If you are dealing with last value on IDENTITY columns I would suggest using:

    IDENT_CURRENT( <table_name> )

    According to my book it is always the fastest one. According to server traces it generates the least amounts of reads (IDENT_CURRENT is generating a 'Internal Scan of Constants instead of reading from the table) and does not touch the table in question.



    IDENT_CURRENT returns the last identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.


    SELECT *

    FROM <table_name>

    WHERE <identity_column> = IDENT_CURRENT('<table_name>')

    Regards, Hans!

    Yes, but...

    create table test(id smallint identity)

    insert test default values

    begin tran

    insert test default values


    select max(id), ident_current('test') from test



  • Jonathan:

    Thanx, I didn't think about the possibility that it might not be transaction safe.

    Regards, Hans!

  • Hans,

    Still...nice trick! And if you know there are no deletions occuring on the table then this will work.

    This is what I use:

    SELECT top 1 *

    FROM <table name>

    order by <identity column> desc

    This way you don't have to use a subquery to get the rest of the row, like below:

    select * from BatchDetail

    where batchid = (SELECT max(BDid)

    FROM batchdetail)

    Also, doing a top 1 on a column with a clustered index can be significantly faster than max() when working with more than a million records (even though the execution plan shows it being the same):

    if object_ID('tempdb..#temp') is not null drop table #Temp


    Create Table #temp (col1 int identity Primary Key, Note varchar(100))

    While 1=1


    Insert #temp Values ('This is filler')

    IF @@Identity = 1000000 break


    select top 1 Col1

    from #temp

    order by col1 desc

    select max(Col1)

    from #temp

    Signature is NULL

  • Generally speaking,

    Using SCOPE_IDENTITY() function is much better than @@IDENTITY

    because the table you inserted might have triggers and triggers may insert data to other tables having identity columns.

    So You get the idetity value of the table that trigger inserted by using @@IDENTITY

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