Undocumented Return Trick?

  • We discovered a Stored Procedure breaking the laws of SQL Server.


    return (select count(*)

    from tWebPage W1

    inner join tWebPage W2 on upper(rtrim(ltrim(W1.Link)))=upper(rtrim(ltrim(W2.Link)))

    where W1.ID=@ID)

    select * from tWebPage where ID = @ID


    SQL states that when a stored proc hits a Return statement all statements after that will NOT execute.

    This DOES execute the 2nd statement.

    IT is returning the appropriate count and returning the recordset, but it is not supposed to.


  • Where did you get the information that a RETURN in a stored procedure will stop all other SELECTs?

    I looked in BOL, used the Index tab, entered Stored Procedure and selected Overview. There's an example of a stored procedure with a RETURN including a SELECT statement.


  • if you look under return in BOL it says the following :-

    "The RETURN statement unconditionally terminates a query, stored procedure, or batch. None of the statements in a stored procedure or batch following the RETURN statement are executed.

    When used in a stored procedure, the RETURN statement can specify an integer value to return to the calling application, batch, or procedure. If no value is specified on RETURN, a stored procedure returns the value 0.

    Most stored procedures follow the convention of using the return code to indicate the success or failure of the stored procedure. The stored procedures return a value of 0 when no errors were encountered. Any nonzero value indicates an error occurred."


  • <b>RETURN</b>

    Exits unconditionally from a query or procedure. RETURN is immediate and complete and can be used at any point to exit from a procedure, batch, or statement block. Statements following RETURN are not executed.

    Is it possible I am not looking at Return correctly?

    Thank You

  • I guess I got hung up on the

    Statements following RETURN are not executed.

    But statements are executed after?

  • This is interesting. I think it's a mistake in BOL.

    I looked at your reference and found the same thing you did.

    But now go to BOL, use the Index tab, enter Stored Procedure. Double click on Overview, select SQL Stored Procedures - SQL Server Architecture.

    Scroll down to the examples. The example uses a RESULT with a SELECT statement.

    So I would say it's not undocumented. It's just bad or conflicting documentation.


  • I have done some follow tests with this sp and found the following:

    Both Return and Recset return if return is using a 'select count(*)...'

    The Recset does not return if returning 'return (select 99)' or 'return 99'. It does indeed stop processing the statement after the return.

    Undocumented Feature?

  • Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 stored procedures return data in four ways:

    A result set for each SELECT statement contained in the stored procedure or any other stored procedures called by the stored procedure.



    RETURN: Exits unconditionally from a query or procedure. RETURN is immediate and complete and can be used at any point to exit from a procedure, batch, or statement block. Statements following RETURN are not executed.


    Horrible documentation - imagine explaining THAT to your developers. Something akin to 'yeah - just ignore the documentation when it's wrong'.

  • I figured it was ust something along those lines.

    Thank you

  • personally i think it's a bug... if you strip the sp code down to:

    Return (Select count(*) From MyTable);

    Return -1;

    you get -1 for the return value...

  • I too think it is a bug but it can be used in creative way.

    If you write:

    Return (Select count(*) From MyTable);

    select * from MyTable

    your procedure returns record count from MyTable - one can assign return value somewhere in the procedure and do some processing after.

    Of course if you add

    return -1

    later on, the return value will be overwritten and you will get -1.

    Anyway, just to be on the safe side I would not use return with select.

    Artur (starting member 😉

  • I am going with bug has anyone reported it yet?

    the following sp

    Proc ==================

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1


    Print 'Here 1'


    Print 'Here 2'


    Print 'Here 3'

    RETURN -1

    Print 'Here 4'


    Produces this when run in QA with

    DECLARE @rc int

    EXEC @rc = StoredProcedure1

    Select @rc

    Output ====================

    Here 1

    Here 2

    Here 3



    (1 row(s) affected)

  • Thank you all for the posts

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