• If I have an empty tag in my xml e.g. <StartDate/>, why does the value in my date field get set to 1900-01-01 rather than NULL?

  • To get a null datetime value, you need to omit the tag completely or specify the null value explicitly. For example, you could use a case statement:

    select case StartDate
        when '' then null
        else StartDate
    from OpenXML(...)

    <oops tags wrong>



    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

    Edited by - mia on 11/26/2003 07:28:59 AM


    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

  • I was hoping that wouldn't be the answer. Wonder why they did it like that - surely specifying a blank tag equates to an unknown value.

    How would I specify NULL in the XML? Won't <StartDate>NULL</StartDate> attempt to put the text "NULL" in the field (didn't try yet)?

  • The empty StartDate tag equates to an empty string. Inserting an empty string value into a datetime column, even when that column accepts nulls, will insert the value '1900-01-01' into the column. Not really sure why that is although I'm sure there's an explanation somewhere!

    Putting the text value NULL in the StartDate tag will result in a data type conversion error as it tries to convert that string to a date. You can't actually specify null in the XML in this case. I think the only options are to omit the tag from the XML when it has no value, which will equate to a null value, or use a case statement to specify null in the database when the StartDate tag is empty. If that isn't helpful, maybe post some code & see if that sheds any light?



    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

  • As you say - "Life Moves Fast"

    So I've already started adding case statements to all my procs. I had hoped to pass the buck to the business layer programmer but he says he is just calling the serializable attribute of a C# object and can't omit blank tags...

    For what it's worth, here's my code..

    UPDATE tmd..TaskActions

    SET ActionDesc = xDescription,

    StartDate = case xStartDate when '' then null else xStartDate end,

    EndDate = case xEndDate when '' then null else xEndDate end,

    Status = case xStatus when '' then null else xStatus end,

    Officer = case xOfficer when '' then null else xOfficer end,

    AssociatedOfficers = case xSecondOfficer when '' then null else xSecondOfficer end,

    Location = case xPlace when '' then null else xPlace end,

    Results = case xResults when '' then null else xResults end,

    ByWhom = current_user,

    WhenMod = getdate()

    FROM OPENXML (@pidoc, '/Action')

    WITH (xActionint'@ActionID',

    xDescription varchar(1000) 'Description',








    WHERE ActionID = xAction

  • Just realised this! Rather than the long-winded case statement, you might be able to use the nullif() function. Sorry I didn't mention this sooner!

    i.e. instead of:

    StartDate = case xStartDate when '' then null else xStartDate end

    you would have:

    StartDate = nullif(xStartDate, '')

    In this case, life moved too fast - sorry again!



    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

  • Never heard of NULLIF but looks just right. Damn, I should slow down a bit. I've got 6 procs to change again.


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