Deleting User that owns objects

  • I'm cleaning up SQLserver accounts (SQL2K SP3).  I've created a group 'TdatabaseWriters' and moved individual user accounts into the group.  Now I want to delete the individual user accounts but the accounts own objects in the T database so it won't allow account deletion even though the account still has the same privs via the group.  Any suggestions?  A way to change ownership of the objects away from the user and then back to the user after I delete the account?




  • Al,

    You cannot drop a user that owns an object.  You will need to change the object owner to another user, delete the first user, then change the owner again.

    This is a good reason to have 'sa' as the owner of all objects.

    To find out who owns what objects try running :

    SELECT sysobjects.[name],  sysusers.[name] 

    FROM sysobjects

    INNER JOIN sysusers ON sysobjects.uid  = sysusers.uid



  • You will have to alter the object-owner !

    this may help out :

    Select  'print '' object : ' + + '.' +  + ''' '  + char(13) + ' go '+ char(13)

          + 'Sp_changeobjectowner ''' + + '.' + + ' '', ''NewSchema'' ' + char(13) + ' go '

    from  sysobjects o

    inner join sysusers u

     on (o.uid = u.uid)

    where  o.xtype in ('p', 'u', 'v') -- p = procedures, u = usertables , v = userviews

    and  like 'oldschema%'

     and not in ('dtproperties')

    order by,


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