Help needed regarding TimeOut

  • We need some technical help regarding the read time out in a browser based application.

    Software Used:

    Database Server: SQL Server 2000.

    Application Server: JRun

    The Problem:

    When a request is sent to the database server from the web browser, a select statement is executed and this retrieves data from the database and displays the records in the front end (JSP). When ever the query is taking a long time the

    application returns a read timeout message.

    What we need:

    1. We want to know what/where is the time set for the read timeout and can we alter this.

    2. If at all this request timeout occurs can we capture this and show a user defined message to the user.

    Any help is highly appeciated.

  • Hi,

    ---THIS IS FOR SQL 7, please confirm for 2000.---

    queries time-out after 25 times the expected time for SQL to perform the task. You also can specify the "query wait" with sp_configure from 0 to 2147483647 sec. Remember that configuration is for the server! -1 is the default value - for 25 times SQL plan.

    If you use a Stored Procedure, you can handle the error with @@error rigt after the select, otherwise you can handle it in the page code, checking the error returned by SQL.




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