Multiple select statements in a procedure

  • In Access I am opening the below procedure as a recordset and then processing the returned data:

    With rst

    pubCountrySuperUser = Nz(!countrySuperUser)

    pubSecurityUser = Nz(!SecurityUser)

    pubEuropeSuperUser = Nz(!EuropeSuperUser)

    pubCountryCode = Nz(!CountryCode)

    pubVersion = !Version

    End With

    CREATE PROC [dbo].[procSalesSecurity]

    @userid Varchar(7) = NULL


    DECLARE @version int

    select @version = MAX(VersionNumber) FROM tblVersion

    SELECT CountrySuperUser,



    CountryCode, @version as version

    FROM Sales

    WHERE UserId = @user-id


    I am returning a single row from Sales but also returning version number from a completely different table.

    I would like to return unrelated data from other tables in a similar way using variables and adding these to the final select statement.

    Being new to SQL Server, I am wondering whether this is the best way of coding this. I have gone for a single rather than multiple procedures in order to minimize traffic across the WAN.

  • I would say that is a good way to accomplish your goal. You do have the ability to do something like this:

    select CountrySuperUser, (select MAX(VersionNumber) FROM tblVersion) as Version, col3, col4...

    from Sales...

    But I like the your way better. If you are returning multiple rows from the Sales table, it is more efficient to include the variable in the select list instead of a subquery.

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