How to change EnterpriseMgrs default font

  • I like to make my stored procedures easy to read with good indentation and alignment.

    Two other programmers I work with have the same goal, but what looks good on my screen is all out of kilter on theirs and vice versa.

    In Enterprise Manager, there's a "font" choice under the "Tools" menu, but even after I set it to "Courier New", it remains "Microsoft Sans Serif" on my screen.

    If I view a stored procedure after the "font change", it's still "Microsoft Sans Serif".

    Anybody know how to make a font change "stick"?

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  • Try right-clicking in the code view/edit window and selecting Font.  The setting has remained in effect for me.


  • BWalker and one of my workmates found the answer. You right-click the "Stored Procedure Code Window" and choose "font" from the list. This brings up the standard "Windows font selection" form, and, once selected, the chosen font "sticks".

    Problem solved.

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