Bad practices

  • Hi,

    I was thinking (and yes it hurt) that as this is a fairly big forum which has a lot of consolidated experience working with sql that there must be some weird things that people have seen over the years. I was wondering what are the worst/bizarre database design/practices that you have ever seen.

    (also it's a subtle way of me learning not to do them )


    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • Hi Ritch,


    I was thinking (and yes it hurt) that as this is a fairly big forum which has a lot of consolidated experience working with sql that there must be some weird things that people have seen over the years. I was wondering what are the worst/bizarre database design/practices that you have ever seen.

    delete BUILTIN\Administrators without knowing the sa password

    Should become a huge thread



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Abend Frank,


    delete BUILTIN\Administrators without knowing the sa password

    Thats a classic!!


    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • Hi Ritch,


    Thats a classic!!

    yes, now I can laugh over this!



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I'm assuming blind panic took over for awhile

    How did you correct it?

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • quote:

    I'm assuming blind panic took over for awhile

    Don't ask!


    How did you correct it?

    Newinstallation, restore.


    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    Is this your own, or is it taken from somewhere else?

    Here's another one fot the NOT to do list.

    - first thing after installation on target machine, keep a close look at who is allowed on this box. Took me also a while to figure out why a developer had access to SQL Server without having individual permission. Some two weeks later, and with help from Brian Kelley (Thanks, again!) I figured out, this guy was left for convenience in some domain account which also had a login on my box.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • quote:

    Newinstallation, restore.





    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*


    Is this your own, or is it taken from somewhere else?

    Unfortunately not, a friend who is the senior developer at somewhere I used to work used it, but it suits me more . I shall relinquish it if he ever turns up here tho!!

    Cheers Frank!


    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • Just a few that come to mind:

    * leaving the sa password null or some ridiculously guessable value

    * not having primary keys, or at least unique keys

    * not having clustered indexes on volatile tables

    * wrong selection of clustered index columns - eg. frequently updated columns or overly large (sets of) columns

    * use of unicode when there's no need for it

    * use of text columns when varchar will suffice

    * use of simple recovery mode on critical databases

    * setting db to full recovery and not configuring any tlog backups (I once came across a db of 25.1GB, where 25GB was the transaction log)

    * useless or almost-identical indexes

    * not testing database recovery in a "dead server" scenario

    * not updating stats regularly

    * not doing a checkdb regularly

    * not having some sort of benchmarking capability (eg. even a simple capture of SQL's @@ stats regularly - even if it's not utilised initially)

    * setting productions databases to unlimited growth (personal opinion only - so don't flame me!)

    * audit level on production servers set to none

    * leaving the error log unexamined

    * developers testing their stuff as a db_datareader/writer, or even worse db_owner, or yes, yes... sa. AND then expecting to deploy to production under the same circumstances.

    * developers who abuse their privileges on production databases that your management has allowed them (hmmm, I can use use EM to insert a column between these other two in this 3 million row table)

    (again, don't flame me... I have nothing against developers - they provide me with a job. It's just that I've seen these things happen)

    - Mark

  • Thanks Mark,

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • Granting permissions on public.

  • OK, how about running scripts that build new tables in your master database. I used the SQL Analyzer to import metadata for a project and forgot to change change to the desired database.

    This brings up a question. Does anyone know how have a database, other than the master database, be the default as SQL Analyzer is loaded?

  • hi ryno,


    This brings up a question. Does anyone know how have a database, other than the master database, be the default as SQL Analyzer is loaded?

    äh, do you mean how to change default one's default db when QA starts?

    If so, sp_defaultdb [ @loginame = ] 'login' , [ @defdb = ] 'database' should help



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Something I've learnt is when doing upgrades is never rush them!! This is a dark chapter in my life as a wannabe dba.

    I had to upgrade a lot of servers in a short space of time. My procedure was to backup the db and restore as dbold, run the upgrade scripts against the original db, this was modifying table structures etc. I then had to run a script to copy the correct info back from dbold into the updated db.

    Unfortunately I had run the backup on another instance by mistake as I was doing several at the same time (no excuse but it makes me feel better!). Resulting in a loss of all stock and orders for the store. And to top it off backups were the customers realm of responsibility (something I am so against!!).


    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    Edited by - Ritch on 07/22/2003 06:19:48 AM

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • quote:

    Granting permissions on public.

    I'd certainly dispute this one as a worst practice. Carefully done (as I have outlined in a previous thread) this is very useful. It prevents some very basic permissions from having to be stated on every group.

    But how about these as true worst practices:

    *Adding fields so you can create your own locking mechanism rather than let SQL Server's locking mechanism work for you.

    *Not using relational joins, but instead using code to enforce all your relations.

    *Not using stored procedures.

    *Using views indiscriminantly rather than stored procedures.

  • I'll follow mccork, our developer dbas always start with unicode, until I push back.

    Of course they also love Varchar(1) !!!!

    Worse they start at NVarChar(1).

    KlK, MCSE


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