help selecting sums from two similar tables

  • I'm having a problem. Anyone know how to make this query better? I have two tables that are pretty much almost the same table. What I'm trying to find is the sum of sales for each month over a given period (3 years) Records can exist in either table but won't exist in both tables. I've got the best solution that I can think of but I don't even know if the results are accurate. Any help is gratefully appreciated.

    here's what I have so far but it doesn't return the correct info:

    SELECT isnull(SUM(docamnt),0) as monthlysum, datepart(month,sop10100.invodate) as thismonth, datepart(year,invodate) as thisyear, '1' as thistable

    FROM SOP10100

    WHERESOP10100.SOPTYPE=3 and SOP10100.bchsourc<>'Sales Void'

    AND SOP10100.invoDATE >= Dateadd(year,-3,getdate())

    AND SOP10100.invoDATE <= getdate()

    and sop10100.custnmbr = '10255'

    group by invodate

    union all

    SELECT IsNull(SUM(BT.dbo.SOP30200.docamnt),0) as monthlysum, datepart(month,sop30200.invodate) as thismonth, datepart(year,sop30200.invodate) as thisyear, '2' as thistable

    FROM SOP30200

    WHERE SOP30200.SOPTYPE=3 and SOP30200.bchsourc<>'Sales Void'

    AND SOP30200.invoDATE >= Dateadd(year,-3,getdate())

    AND SOP30200.invoDATE <= getdate()

    AND sop30200.Custnmbr = '10255'

    group by datepart(month,sop30200.invodate)

    order by thisyear desc, thismonth desc


    Jon Hirschi

  • Maybe if you replace columns thismonth and thisyear by convert(int, convert(char(6),getdate(),112)) as ThisYearMonth you could gain on grouping/sorting. You could also test performance with full-outer-join. (might be bit messy select-clause)


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  • What the problem is, is that I need to get a sum of all transactions for a month, on a per month basis. Tables are basically:



    12.37, 1/12/2003

    25.01 1/15/2003

    11.45, 2/20/2003



    32.17, 1/12/2003

    200.56, 2/20/2003

    Anyone know how to join these tables together so that I get all transactions for a month from both tables? eg, I want:

    result set:

    docamnt, monthyear

    69.55, 1/2003

    212.01, 2/2003

    with some hints from alzdba, I got this query which will get monthly sums for the last three years from one table. I could do a union of a similar table, but that would duplicate some months. Another problem with this query is that it won't create null columns or zero value columns for months where there were no purchases made. Can anyone out there help me with this? Thanks alzdba for your help, and thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.


    SELECT convert(char(6),sop30200.invodate,112) as monthyear, SUM(SOP30200.docamnt) as monthlysum, '2' as thistable

    FROM SOP30200

    WHERE SOP30200.SOPTYPE=3 and SOP30200.bchsourc<>'Sales Void'

    AND convert(char(6),sop30200.invodate,112) > convert(char(6),Dateadd(year,-3,getdate()),112)

    And sop30200.invodate <= getdate()

    group by convert(char(6),sop30200.invodate,112)

    order by monthyear desc

  • Don't do the CHAR(6) conversion. Not necessary. Try this:

    SELECT thismonth, thisyear, SUM(monthlysum)
    DATEPART(MONTH, invodate) as thismonth
    , DATEPART(YEAR, invodate) as thisyear
    , ISNULL(SUM(docamnt), 0) as monthlysum
    FROM SOP10100
    SOPTYPE= 3
    AND bchsourc<> 'Sales Void'
    AND invoDATE <= GETDATE()
    and custnmbr = '10255'
    DATEPART(MONTH, invodate) as thismonth
    , DATEPART(YEAR, invodate) as thisyear
    DATEPART(MONTH, invodate) as thismonth
    , DATEPART(YEAR, invodate) as thisyear
    , ISNULL(SUM(docamnt), 0) as monthlysum
    FROM SOP30200
    SOPTYPE= 3
    AND bchsourc<> 'Sales Void'
    AND invoDATE <= GETDATE()
    and custnmbr = '10255'
    DATEPART(MONTH, invodate) as thismonth
    , DATEPART(YEAR, invodate) as thisyear
    GROUP BY thismonth, thisyear
    ORDER BY thisyear desc, thismonth desc

    Edited by - jpipes on 06/18/2003 11:49:26 AM

  • jpipes,

    Thanks for your help, I'm getting an error on the statement:

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'GROUP'.

    It appears that it is choking on the group last group by portion on the page. I've tried fixing it, but I have yet to figur out why it's doing that. Do you know?

    Thanks for the help!

  • I forgot the FROM clause


    SELECT thismonth, thisyear, SUM(monthlysum)
    (SELECT ... rest of code

    sorry bout that one...

  • You can use a derived table like this

    Select Sum(T0.Docamnt)+T1.Docamnt_Sum As Total_Sum, T1.Docamnt_Month As Unique_Month

    From Table1 T0,

    (Select Sum(Docamnt) As Docamnt_Sum, -- Derived Table starts here

    DatePart(mm, Date) As Docamnt_Month

    From Table2

    Group By DatePart(mm, Date)) As T1 -- Derived Table ends here

    Where DatePart(mm, T0.Date) = T1.Docamnt_Month

    Group By T1.Docamnt_Sum, T1.Docamnt_Month



  • If data does not exist in both tables on [year_month] basis you can avoid the outer-grouping from jpipes solution.

    btw could you give a litle feedback on the percentage of cpu- and elaps-time you managed to save ?


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  • Alzdba, the problem wasn't trying to get the query to run faster, but to get it to return the correct information. I was having a bear of a time to have it return the correct information. Someone I know suggested making a view of the original information and then selecting from the view. That's what I've done because it appears to returning the correct information.

    view is this:

    SELECT DATEPART(year, DOCDATE) AS thisyear, DATEPART(month, DOCDATE) AS thismonth, SUM(DOCAMNT) AS monthamnt, CUSTNMBR

    FROM dbo.SOP10100

    WHERE SOPTYPE = 3 AND bchsourc <> 'Sales Void' AND docdate >= DATEADD(YEAR, - 3, GETDATE()) AND docdate <= getdate()



    SELECT datepart(year, docdate), datepart(month, docdate), SUM(docamnt), custnmbr

    FROM sop30200

    WHERE soptype = 3 AND bchsourc <> 'Sales Void' AND docdate >= DATEADD(YEAR, - 3, GETDATE()) AND docdate <= getdate()

    GROUP BY datepart(year, docdate), datepart(month, docdate), custnmbr

    then i get the aggragated info out with this:

    select thisyear, thismonth, sum(monthamnt) as monthlysum

    from buz_customer_overview where custnmbr = '10509093'

    group by thisyear, thismonth

    order by thisyear, thismonth

    The queries that have were provided here weren't getting the proper info back. I apologize for my lack in communicating what I really needed. So, for right now, the above is my working solution. I don't know if it's the best solution, but it works.

    Fyi, the execution time on it is:

    duration = 32

    cpu = 82

    and reads = 106

    rows returned = 36

    Thanks alzdba, mworku, jpipes for your help!

  • Jon,

    be aware of the fact that UNION sorts out duplicate rows ! So if you know (like you said) "Records can exist in either table but won't exist in both tables" use the union all to avoid the extra sort.

    I guess regarding semantics, in this case you'll have to use UNION ALL if both tables contain rows from the same month, but not from the same date.


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  • alzdba,

    Thanks for the heads up. I've changed the union to a union all. Thanks again!

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