rtrim don't trim off any spaces

  • for some reason the trailing spaces won't go when I use rtrim(field), any ideas as to why?

    I'm trying to update a table with the results.

  • Are you using char or varchar?

    SQL will pad a char field with spaces upto the max length.


  • it's nvarchar , which is why I don't understand it.

  • Could you provide more information on what you are doing?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • I have 2 tables with companyNames in, both should match but in some cases the 1 tables companyName has some trailing blanks and so an inner join fails. I tried to rtrim(companyName), but nothing happened.

    In the end I updated them manually. Just bemused why it woul work:

    update <tablename> set companyName = rtrim(companyName)

  • Strange, have you just for fun tried to put the field into a variable and then perform the rtrim operation on the variable?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • quote:

    it's nvarchar , which is why I don't understand it.

    Those 'spaces' might not be actual space characters. They might be tabs, line feeds, carriage returns, etc.

  • Add your own select for one record and execute the code. It will display asci values for none digit and none alphabetical characters.

    Declare @Tmp Varchar(1000),

    @i int

    -- Fill in your own select

    Select @Tmp=RTrim(LTrim(Column1)) From SomeTable


    Set @i=1

    While @i<=DataLength(@Tmp)


    If Not ((SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)>='A' And SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)<='Z') Or

    (SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)>='a' And SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)<='z') Or

    (SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)>='0' And SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)<='9') Or

    SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)=' ')

    -- Select 'Position',@i,SubString(@Tmp,@i,1),' Ascii value=',Ascii(SubString(@Tmp,@i,1))

    Select Ascii(SubString(@Tmp,@i,1))

    Set @i=@i+1


    You may see values of 9,13,10, etc. (tab,carriage returns,linefeeds)

  • Thanks very much for the interesting script finding non ascii chars, I modified it a little for easier viewing:

    Set @i=1

    While @i<=DataLength(@Tmp)


    If Not ((SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)>='A' And SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)<='Z') Or

    (SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)>='a' And SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)<='z') Or

    (SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)>='0' And SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)<='9') Or

    SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)=' ')

    Select @i 'Position' , SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) 'char value',Ascii(SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)) 'Ascii value'

    Set @i=@i+1


    I might extend it further to flag where there is more than 1 space together, with the replace script, that would probably do the job, or even better, make sure the last char is not a space.

  • Here's another approach:

    Set @i=1

    While @i<=DataLength(@Tmp)


    If Not (SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) LIKE '[A-Z]' Or

    SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) LIKE '[a-z]' Or

    SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) LIKE '[0-9]' Or

    SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)=' ')

    Select @i 'Position' , SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) 'char value',Ascii(SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)) 'Ascii value'

    Set @i=@i+1


  • Don't know why I didn't think to shorten this up even more. Here ya go



    -- Fill in your own select

    SELECT @Tmp='*83M,Nn@32xa;'

    SET @i=1

    WHILE @i <= DATALENGTH(@Tmp)


    IF (SUBSTRING(@Tmp,@i,1) NOT LIKE '[A-Za-z0-9 ]')

    SELECT @i 'Position' , SUBSTRING(@Tmp,@i,1) 'char value',ASCII(SUBSTRING(@Tmp,@i,1)) 'Ascii value'

    SET @i=@i+1


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