Create NT account through SQL?

  • Has anyone ever created an NT account with a stored procedure? Any examples?

  • In SQL you grant access permission to WinNT loggins, not create.

    If you know a DOS command prompt command to create a Login, maybe you could run it with master.dbo.xp_cmdShell.

  • I'm trying to create a procedure that will automate new user set up. When a new user comes on to the system there are bunch of SQL settings that are currently being manually set. I can automate all these, but I'm hoping to automate even the NT login creation.

  • To clarify further and get specific (although I don't want to limit suggestions to this idea):

    I realize I can create an acct using xp_cmdshell and net user XXX /add, but you are limited in the properties you can set for that user.

    I'm hoping there is either an undocumented sp_ with a bunch of parameters, or someone has an example of an sp_OA call that creates some sort of object that allows you to add users and set all the properties.

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