July 24, 2003 at 12:54 am
i have 2 tables Table_main and Table_details
Table_main contains only distinct records,For each record in this table there will be so many
records in Table_details (one - many relation ship).
i want to write a query which gives only that much records in Table_main but with corresponding
records in Table_details (appended or in some other way)
I tried with joins but same records in Table_main is repeating for each distinct record in
How can i solve this.Pl help me.
July 24, 2003 at 4:30 am
How do you want the records returned?
Is it for a report output, therefore would just blanking out the repeated lines be acceptable, ie:
If not, in what manner do you want the lines "Appended", Pipe delimited in one field for example?
Both would require a storage temp table or table variable, and some while looping...
July 24, 2003 at 5:25 am
sno no
1 12313
2 98894
Sno Item date
1 TV 3/1/03
1 Fridge 3/1/03
2 Car 3/3/01
2 Tape 4/4/01
i want result like
Sno no item1 date1 item2 date2
1 12313 TV 3/1/03 Fridge 3/1/03
2 98894 Car 3/3/01 Tape 4/4/01
July 24, 2003 at 5:57 am
You need to pivot your data, there are other threads on this forum that may help. The following is a possible solution.
First create temp table containing details plus rowid and set rowid
CREATE TABLE #temp_details (Sno int, Item varchar(20), [date] datetime, rowID int)
INSERT INTO #temp_details SELECT Sno,Item,[date],0 FROM Table_details ORDER BY Sno
DECLARE @rowID int,@Sno int
SET @rowID = 0
SET @Sno = 0
UPDATE #temp_details SET @rowID = (CASE WHEN Sno = @Sno THEN @rowID + 1 ELSE 1 END),rowID = @rowID, @Sno = Sno
If there is a max number of details per main (eg 2) then
SELECT m.sno,m.no,
,MAX(CASE WHEN rowID = 1 THEN Item ELSE '' END) AS item1
,MAX(CASE WHEN rowID = 1 THEN [Date] ELSE '' END) AS date1
,MAX(CASE WHEN rowID = 2 THEN Item ELSE '' END) AS item2,
,MAX(CASE WHEN rowID = 2 THEN [Date] ELSE '' END) AS date2
FROM Table_main m INNER JOIN #temp_details d ON d.sno = m.sno GROUP BY m.sno,m.no
If there is a variable number of details per main then use dynamic sql (and all the associated problems)
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(8000), @maxID int,@counter int
SELECT @maxID = MAX(rowID) FROM #temp_details
SET @sql = 'SELECT m.sno,m.no'
SET @counter = 0
WHILE (@counter < @maxID)
SET @counter = @counter + 1
SET @sql = @sql + ',MAX(CASE WHEN rowID = '++CAST(@counter as varchar)+' THEN Item ELSE '''' END) AS item'+CAST(@counter as varchar)
SET @sql = @sql + ',MAX(CASE WHEN rowID = '++CAST(@counter as varchar)+' THEN [Date] ELSE '''' END) AS date'+CAST(@counter as varchar)
SET @sql = @sql + ' FROM Table_main m INNER JOIN #temp_details d ON d.sno = m.sno GROUP BY m.sno,m.no'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.
July 25, 2003 at 7:28 am
rajesha, I may not have understood your question correctly, but if you've got a one to many relationship, would a left join not work
July 28, 2003 at 1:14 am
thank you DavidBurrows it is working fine.
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