Concatention Problem

  • Hi, I have a table where each record contains the following info:


    Example masterid=67, GeoState=CA, GeoCity = Los Angeles.

    I am concatenating the Columns to read CA#Los Angeles# for import into another system.

    The issue is I have multiple records for each ID, and I want to create a concatentation for the entire recordset :

    masterid=67, GeoState=CA, GeoCity = Los Angeles

    masterid=67, GeoState=CA, GeoCity = San Diego

    masterid=67, GeoState=CO, GeoCity = Denver

    Would yield the result:

    CA#Los Angeles#CA#San Diego#CO#Denver#

    Is this possible using SQL?

    I guess basically I am trying to concatenate Rows/Columns into one Row/Colum where they share a common Identifier.


  • You might try something like this:

    set nocount on

    create table Ttest (masterid int, GeoState char(2), GeoCity char(40))

    insert into Ttest values (67,'CA', 'Los Angeles')

    insert into Ttest values (67,'CA', 'San Diego')

    insert into Ttest values (67,'CA', 'Denver')

    insert into Ttest values (68,'WA', 'Redmond')

    insert into Ttest values (68,'OR', 'Portland')

    declare @p char(1000)

    set @p = ''

    select @p = rtrim(@p) + rtrim(GeoState) + '#'+ rtrim(GeoCity) + '#'

    from Ttest

    where masterid = 67

    print @p

    drop table Ttest

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • You could quickly run into variable size limitations doing this in T-SQL if your data comes back with any significant number of rows. If you are using ADO you could use the RecordSet.GetString method as an alternative. I used Greg's table script to create the table for the view.


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[vwTtest]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsView') = 1)
    drop view [dbo].[vwTtest]

    CREATE view vwTtest
    SELECT RTRIM(GeoState) + '#'+ RTRIM(GeoCity) + '#' As Data
    FROM Ttest


    The VB Code:

    Dim adoRs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set adoRs = New ADODB.Recordset

    adoRs.Open "SELECT DISTINCT Data FROM vwTtest", mstrConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

    Debug.Print adoRs.GetString(ColumnDelimeter:="", RowDelimeter:="#", NullExpr:="NULL")

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    Tim C //Will code for food

  • The big whoosh you heard was all of those suggestions going over my head.

    What I can grasp is that I am basically creating a temp table, then populating it with the values I need to Concatenate.

    However I don't quite see this code as possible inside a view?

    I was attempting to use a While...End statement ala WARNING bad CODE ahead...

    Select masterid as ID

    While Id = masterid

    Select CombinedField + Select(CombinedField AS GeoState + '#' + GeoCity + '#')


    Essentially I want to store the record where the masterid is the same as one record...

    I about to put a fork in this turkey....

  • How are you doing the exporting?

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    Tim C //Will code for food

  • Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

    This is part (subquery) of a large roll up query. Essentially what I need to determine is if it's possible to accomplish this task.

    Here is some raw data:

    masterid GeoState GeoCity

    -------- -------- -------

    67 CA Los Angeles

    67 CA San Diego

    67 CA Sacramento

    67 CA Bakersfield

    67 CA Barstow

    67 NV Las Vegas

    67 CO Grand Junction

    67 CO Vail

    Now the table does have an index however I have excluded for discussion purposes. Basically this table allows someone to add as many or few records as they need, which are linked (One to many) this table being many to another tblCompanyInfo.

    I need to take this information and create an Excel spreadsheet based on the database information. Basically the application it is going into parses an excel spread sheet and the Geographic regions need to be ONE FIELD with the # sign as the delimiter separating State, City etc.

    Example: XL Output

    Company Name | Geographic Work Area

    ABC Company | #CA#Los Angeles#CA#San Diego#...CO#Denver#...ETC.

    This application basic displays the data in a Databound grid control in ASP.NET which when sorted can dynamically create an Excel Sheet.

    I am calling either a query or a stored proc to display the data.


    I am not a seasoned pro, I can write a mean stored proc or query but I may have bitten off a little too muh this time. Thanks for everyones input.

  • If I understand it, you want to denormalise the data from many rows into a single string.

    This might work:

    declare @concat_string varchar(8000), @masterid int, @GeoState char(2), @GeoCity varchar(50), @prev_masterid int

    /* Initialise variables */

    set @prev_masterid = 0

    set @concat_string = ''

    declare concat_cursor cursor for

    select masterid, GeoState, GeoCity

    from <tablename>

    order by masterid

    open concat_cursor

    fetch next from concat_cursor into @masterid, @GeoState, @GeoCity

    while @@fetch_status = 0 begin

    /* Check for change of masterid */

    if @@prev_masterid <> @masterid begin

    /* If the string is not empty then output - prevents output first time through */

    if @concat_string > '' print @concat_string /* or other output statement */

    /* Set @prev_masterid to current value of @masterid so that can do comparison next time through */

    set @prev_masterid = @masterid

    /* Reset concat_string to blank */

    set @concat_string = ''


    /* Concatenate GeoState and GeoCity to string */

    set @concat_string = @concat_string + '#' + @GeoState + '#' + @GeoCity

    /* Get the next row from the cursor */

    fetch next from concat_cursor into @masterid, @GeoState, @GeoCity


    /* Output final row */

    print @concat_string

    close concat_cursor

    deallocate concat_cursor

    This uses a cursor to scroll through the rows of the table so you can concatenate the rows into a string. There is a test in the loop to output the string on change of masterid which then resets the concatenation string.

    Also, for the last value of masterid, you have to force it to output the string as the test within the loop does not catch the last value as there is no next record.

    I know that there are some people who do not like using cursors but I find them invaluable when you need to record level processing as in this case.

    I haven't checked the syntax so apologies if it is not right.


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