Create publication fails

  • I am new to Sqlsever. The sqlserver 2000 is in my pc which is running on WindowsXP and it has the windows authentication. I want to do replication. When I try to create replication I get the following error.

    "Sqlserver xxx currently uses the system account which causes replication between servers to fail. Specify another account for the service startup account".

    If I hit OK on this screen, it is prompting me to a screen to change the account. I didn't do anything on this. I just hit OK. Then it specified a snapshot folder. When I click next on this screen, it gives the following error.

    '\\DGNMCW21\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$HOUSE\ReplData' is not a valid path or file name.

    Please let me know how to resolve this. Your help is appreciated.



  • First of all you have to change your service account from "local system"to a user account. The reason is that the local system account cannot access any resources outside the local machine and that's exactly what replication is trying to do.

    Your error with the path is another result of this. The local system account cannot write to a UNC path and that's why the snapshot folder creation fails.


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Markus,

    Thanks a lot for the info. I created a separte user account and made that account as the logon for the sqlserver agent startup service. By doing so I prevented the first error. But I still get this error:'\\DGNMCW21\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$HOUSE\ReplData' is not a valid path or file name.

    The user account I created has addminstrative privileges. Please let me know where I am making the mistake.

    Thanks once again for your help


  • It was OK to change the account, just remember that the password for that login shoudn't expire, or SQL won't start next time you need it.

    The Second error is because SQL is trying to puth the snapshot files in the path that it shows, but it can be that it can't found it.

    If I where you, (and if your server name is DGNMCW21), I woud create a new folder (for example, Repl_Data) and share it with permissions to the user you created before.

    And then in the wizard, when you have to specify the snapshot folder write:


    SQL will write all the snapshot files in that folder when you start syncronising.

    I would suggest that you read in BOL about snapshots, transactional and merge publication to really understand what you are doing. Also if you have doubts, ask here too.

  • Please excuse me for being stupid but is the new account you refer to is SQL account or Windows account? I created a new SQL account with System & Process Admin privileges and when I assigned this account as the logon for SQL Server Agent startup service I get

    "Error 22042:xp_SetSQLSecurity() returned error -2147023564, 'No mapping between account names and security IDs was done'



    Thanks a lot for the info. I created a separte user account and made that account as the logon for the sqlserver agent startup service. By doing so I prevented the first error. But I still get this error:'\\DGNMCW21\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$HOUSE\ReplData' is not a valid path or file name.

    The user account I created has addminstrative privileges. Please let me know where I am making the mistake.

    Thanks once again for your help


  • The account would be a windows account. The problem is that your system account doesn't have the ability to see the IPC network share. If you right click on "My Computer" and go to Manage then expand "Services and Applications", and click on Services. On the right pane you need to double click on the MSSQLSERVER service and change it's log-in settings to a Windows Account (IE what you log in to XP with). You should also do this for the SQLSERVERAGENT service.

    Then create the share as stated above in Explorer and try creating the publication again.

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Thanks guys

  • Thanks to all of you. Finally it worked.


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