Script to see if SQLAgent is running

  • does anyone have a SQL script to see

    if SQLServer Agent is running.

    And if possible MSDTC as well...

    I know you can do this with XP_regread. But sometimes this gives me an error....

    ( if anybody knows why i wouldn't need this query )

  • xp_cmdshell 'sc.exe \\yourservername query MSDTC'

    xp_cmdshell 'sc.exe \\yourservername query SQLSERVERAGENT'

  • Allen,

    Is it scm.exe or sc.exe??


  • sc.exe but scm.exe can also give similar information.

  • I couldn't find sc.exe on the server. I have executed the following command from QA:

    xp_cmdshell 'scm.exe \\NCCHASQL01 query SQLSERVERAGENT'

    It never completed. after 10 minutes, I stopped the query from QA. after few minutes the connection timedout. But I could still see the connection on the server (using sp_who2 & DBArtisan). It went into "KILLED/ROLLBACK" state when I killed the connection with KILL. It still running in that state.


  • Run scm.exe ? to see the complete syntax.;en-us;230236

    sc.exe is from NT/2000 resource kit. I like it better than scm.exe.

  • sc.exe comes with the Win32® Software Development Kit (SDK)

    "I met Larry Niven at ConClave 27...AND I fixed his computer. How cool is that?"
    (Memoirs of a geek)

  • Allen:

    My command xp_cmdshell 'scm.exe \\NCCHASQL01 query SQLSERVERAGENT' is still active on the server in RUNNABALE state with KILLED/ROLLBACK in the command.

    I tried to kill the process... But nothing is happening...

    PLEASE SUGGEST.... I tried this on the PRODUCTION System. My unpardonable mistake. 🙁


  • IF you have administrative rights to the system. Grab the pstools suite from sysinternals.

    Use pslist to look to see if sc or scm is running. If it's running, use pskill to kill that process.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thank You Brian. I remote logged into Server. I saw the processes using Task Manager--> Processes & killed scm.exe.

    I was not sure to kill this like this earlier.

    Thanks Again.


  • Thanks but this is not what i am looking for.

    It would be a diagnostic query.

    And installing all kind of stuff on a production server is out of the question.....

    Any other suggestions ??????

  • Try this:


    DECLARE @ServiceExists VARCHAR(255)

    CREATE TABLE #services

    ( service VARCHAR(255) )

    -- Retrieve list of services that ARE running

    INSERT INTO #services

    EXECUTE master..xp_cmdshell 'net start'

    -- Clean up some of the data....

    DELETE FROM #services

    WHERE service NOT LIKE ' %'

    OR service IS NULL

    UPDATE #services

    SET service = LTRIM(service)

    -- Query for service

    SELECT @ServiceExists=service

    FROM #services


    -- Test is service is running. Do what ever you need....

    IF ISNULL(@ServiceExists,'') = ''


    SELECT 'Service is NOT Running'

    -- Restart service....

    EXECUTE master..xp_cmdshell 'net start SQLSERVERAGENT'




    SELECT 'Service is Running'


    -- Clean-up....

    DROP TABLE #services


  • This one is, very similar to wzablatzky;

    CREATE TABLE #ProcText (LineText varchar(255) NULL)

    INSERT #ProcText (LineText) EXEC ('exec master..xp_cmdshell ''NET START''')

    SELECT RTRIM(linetext) FROM #ProcText WHERE linetext LIKE '%SQL%' OR linetext LIKE '%MSD%'

    DROP TABLE #ProcText

  • Just to add some WMI flavor here:

    The script could be executed from a workstation if the user has admin rights to the box and if WMI has been installed (it comes with Win2000 and up, but has to be installed on WinNT).

    The script will give you the information if the services are running, but trough similar scripts could be done more than that.

    The script could be executed from both Windows Explorer by just dbl clicking it, or in a command window with the command line:

    CScript TheScript.vbs.

    Dim oLocator

    Dim oServices

    Dim sQueryText

    Dim OneService

    Dim sResult

    Set oLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

    Set oServices = oLocator.ConnectServer("ServerName") ' Put a real server name here

    'sQueryText = "Select Name,State From Win32_Service"

    sQueryText = "Select Name,State From Win32_Service Where " & _

    "Name = 'MSSQLServer' Or " & _

    "Name = 'SQLServerAgent' Or Name = 'MSDTC'"

    Set oWMIObjSet = oServices.ExecQuery(sQueryText)

    sResult = ""

    For Each OneService In oWMIObjSet

    sResult = sResult & OneService.Name & " - " & OneService.State & vbCrLf


    WScript.Echo sResult

    Stanislav Petkov

  • Useful script ...

    Not being totally up with WMI, how would I do it if I was just querying one service? Presumably I wouldn't need the For...Next loop?

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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