
  • I need to reset the password for 400 users to a unique password for each user. Can this be done at the user level by prompting the user to change his/her sql server password..?

  • sp_password will allow people to change their password, but they need a way of running it eg isqlw, osql or an application.


  • quote:

    sp_password will allow people to change their password, but they need a way of running it eg isqlw, osql or an application.

  • Thanks. I am aware of the sp_password option. However you mentioned the application. If this is the way it needs to be done. How do you integrate this into the application side where the user is prompted to change it..?

  • It would need to be designed into the frontend.

    It may be easier (and quicker) for the dba to change all the passwords. The usernames could easily be extracted from the database, and a one off change password script written.


  • Develope an application to change sql user password and deploy it using group policy.

    Using group policy you can deploy an application in the client system when it starts.

    After deploying the application let them change the password using that application.

  • Curious: could your login naming convention be similar to your email naming convention? I see an interesting experiment brewing...

  • Curious: could your login naming convention be similar to your email naming convention? I see an interesting experiment brewing...

    Our login ids are different from our email addresses.

  • Send them to a web page that takes their username and password into SQL Server, as well as what they want the new password to be (do the confirm password field as well). Attempt to connect to the server using the username and password given (trap for a failed connection). Then execute the sp_password. Should be fairly simple. Of course, if you have the option, make it an https link (your web administrators should know how, but it requires a certificate).

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

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