Hard disk space for a table

  • Someone told me that there was a stored procedure that would return the physical size of the table on the hard disk. Does anyone know of this stored procedure?

    I could get a ballpark figure by adding up the column widths multiplied by the number of rows, but I have VARCHARs and TEXT columns in some of the tables, so it wouldn't be very accurate.



  • Look up sp_spaceused in books online. I think that will give you what you want.


  • You could even see the size of the tables in Enterprise Manager --> View Task Pad --> Tables Page...


  • Look up sp_spaceused in books online. I think that will give you what you want.


  • I wrote this script only recently to use the sp_spaceused stored proc to return the space data for each table in the current database, the output is ordered in ascending size of reserved space for each table:


    CREATE TABLE #tspace



    [reserved] VARCHAR(50),


    [index_size] VARCHAR(50),

    [unused] VARCHAR(50))


    SELECT u.[name] + '.' + o.[name]

    FROM sysobjects o, sysusers u

    WHERE u.uid = o.uid AND o.type = 'U'

    DECLARE @tname VARCHAR(255)

    OPEN cTables

    FETCH NEXT FROM cTables INTO @tname



    INSERT INTO #tspace EXEC sp_spaceused @tname

    FETCH NEXT FROM cTables INTO @tname


    CLOSE cTables

    DEALLOCATE cTables

    SELECT * FROM #tspace

    ORDER BY CAST(LEFT([reserved],CHARINDEX(' ',[reserved])) AS INT)

    DROP TABLE #tspace


    Dave Leathem.
    It's just what we asked for but not what we want! (The Customer's Creed)

  • Another approach would be using the undocumented sp_MSforeachtable:

    create table #spacedata

    (t_name varchar(100),

    t_rows int,

    t_reserved varchar(50),

    t_data varchar(50),

    t_idxsize varchar(50),

    t_unused varchar(50))



    @command1 = "insert into #spacedata EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"

  • I came up with this script (based on sp_spaceused) to show the size of tables and their indexes. If you haven't run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE, some of the numbers won't add up (actual size greater than allocated size).

    SELECT a.TableName, DataMB, TotalMB, IndexName, IndexMB, IndexAllocMB

    FROM (

    select o.name as TableName, STR(i.dpages * 0.0078125,7,1) as DataMB, STR(i.used * 0.0078125,7,1) as TotalMB

    from sysobjects o

    inner join sysindexes i on o.id = i.id

    where o.xtype = 'u' and o.status > 0 and i.indid <= 1

    ) A


    select o.name as TableName, i.name as IndexName, STR(i.dpages * 0.0078125,7,1) as IndexMB, STR(i.used * 0.0078125,7,1) as IndexAllocMB

    from sysobjects o

    inner join sysindexes i on o.id = i.id

    where o.xtype = 'u' and o.status > 0 and i.indid between 2 and 254 and i.used > 0

    ) B

    ON A.TableName = B.TableName

    ORDER BY TotalMB DESC, IndexAllocMB DESC

  • Oops, make that a LEFT JOIN.

    And if you only want table sizes (or only one row per table), remove subquery B.

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