Wrong Data

  • In my query below, I want to show all the peopleid's that has a clinical calltype, but eliminate those which has clinical sessions or concurrent review. Even though, I am checking for clinical sessions event dates and concurrent review. . I am still getting the records, which should not be counted.

    Here is my qry:

    SELECT DISTINCT p.people_id 'People ID', convert(varchar, ep.start_date, 101) 'Episode Start Date',

    cltyp.name 'Call Type',

    cl.duration 'Duration',

    from people p

    left outer join cases c on p.people_id = c.people_fk

    left outer join v_cases_type cst on cst.v_ct_id = c.cases_type_fk

    left outer join episode ep on c.cases_id = ep.cases_fk

    left outer join v_problem prob on ep.assessed_problem_fk =prob.v_problem_id

    left outer join v_problem_regarding preg on c.problem_regarding_fk= preg.v_pr_id

    left outer join service svc on ep.episode_id = svc.episode_fk

    left outer join call cl on cl.call_id = svc.call_fk

    left outer join v_call_type cltyp on cltyp.v_ct_id = cl.call_type_fk

    left join event_note en on en.call_fk = cl.call_id

    left outer join authorizations auth ON auth.authorizations_id = svc.authorizations_fk

    left outer join event ev ON auth.authorizations_id =ev.authorizations_fk

    left outer join site st on st.site_id = p.site_fk

    left outer join contract_product_site cps on st.site_id = cps.site_fk

    left outer join contract_product cp on cp.contract_product_id = cps.contract_product_fk

    left outer join contract cc on cc.contract_id = cp.contract_fk

    left outer join referral ref on ref.referral_id = svc.referral_fk

    left outer join v_referral_type rt on rt.v_rt_id = ref.referral_type_fk

    left outer join v_referral_detail_type rdt on rdt.v_rdt_id = ref.referral_detail_type_fk

    left outer join v_urgency ur on ur.v_urgency_id = svc.urgency_fk

    left outer join ##JobType JobTyp ON p.people_id = JobTyp.people_id

    left outer join v_contract_relation cr on cr.v_cr_id = svc.contract_relation_fk

    where st.site_name like 'pfizer%' and ep.start_date >= @month_start_date and ep.start_date <= @month_end_date

    and c.status_fk='1' and p.deactivate is null and st.deactivate is null and

    c.deactivate is null and svc.deactivate is null and ref.deactivate is null

    and ep.deactivate is null

    AND(( cltyp.name= 'Clinical' And ev.event_date is null

    AND en.note_type_fk <>'29')

    OR ref.referral_id is not null )

    ORDER BY st.site_name, p.people_id

    Edited by - bhavnabakshi on 07/30/2003 2:41:05 PM

  • <<I want to show all the peopleid's that has a clinical calltype>>

    But the sql does not reflect the above because of or clause

    AND(( cltyp.name= 'Clinical' And ev.event_date is null

    AND en.note_type_fk <>'29')

    OR ref.referral_id is not null)

    If referrel_id is not null then it will display all rows irrespective of type is clinical or not.

    Shouldn't this be

    AND cltyp.name= 'Clinical'

    AND ((ev.event_date is null

    AND en.note_type_fk <>'29')

    OR ref.referral_id is not null)

    or something else...


    You have put <ev.event_date is null> as condition and used outer join for ev table.

    This will be true in two cases

    1. When there is no record in ev matching fk. In this case event_date will be null because of outer join.

    2. Record exists in ev but event_date is null.

    Hence if you want to exclude rows that do check for only rows that have a row in ev and date is null then try adding ev.authorizations_fk is not null

    Hope this helps

  • I am still getting records which has event date or note_type_fk =29.

    I added "ev.authorizations_fk is not null"

    in the clause. For e.g. <B>cltyp.name= 'Clinical'

    AND ((ev.event_date is null AND ev.authorizations_fk is not null

    AND en.note_type_fk <>'29')

    OR ref.referral_id is not null) </B>

    this returns me no records.

  • One more thing, in the database I have more note_types. I want to eliminate those records which has note_type_fk='29', but the resultset is displaying other note_type_fk's. Can someone please help me out...

  • The trick here is in excluding all people with any record where note_type_fk = 29. Your current query will return people with note_type_fk = 29 if they also have a record with a different note_type_fk.

    Analyzing a query of this complexity is not simple without the actual data behind it, but you can try this clause:

    AND cltyp.name= 'Clinical'

    And ((ev.event_date is null

    AND Not Exists

    (Select en2.note_type_fk

    FROM people p2

    left outer join cases c2 on p2.people_id = c2.people_fk

    left outer join episode ep on c2.cases_id = ep2.cases_fk

    left outer join service svc2 on ep2.episode_id = svc2.episode_fk

    left outer join call cl2 on cl2.call_id = svc2.call_fk

    left join event_note en2 on en2.call_fk = cl2.call_id

    WHERE p2.People_id = p.people_id AND

    en2.note_type_fk = '29')

    OR ref.referral_id is not null )

  • <<I am still getting records which has event date or note_type_fk =29. >>

    Again it looks to me that this is because of logical error.

    As per the sql if ref.referral_id is not null then it will not check note_type_fk and event date. This is because of OR clause again.

    So in this case the sql should be

    AND cltyp.name= 'Clinical'

    AND (ev.event_date is null

    AND en.note_type_fk <>'29')

    Please clarify the significance of <OR ref.referral_id is not null> and what should happen if referral_id is null/not null.

  • The biggest problem is the complexity of the query you have to build and the fact we have no idea what your tables look like or the data in them. Can you please give use a sampling of what you are getting and what you are expecting (changing sensitive info if needs be)? Are you sure these all should be Left joins?

    Here is you code in a format to show relationships better for reading.

    p.people_id 'People ID',
    convert(varchar, ep.start_date, 101) 'Episode Start Date',
    cltyp.name 'Call Type',
    cl.duration 'Duration',
    people p
    left join
    cases c
    left join
    episode ep
    left join
    service svc
    left join
    call cl
    left join
    v_call_type cltyp
    cltyp.v_ct_id = cl.call_type_fk
    left join
    event_note en
    en.call_fk = cl.call_id
    cl.call_id = svc.call_fk
    left join
    v_urgency ur
    ur.v_urgency_id = svc.urgency_fk
    left join
    v_contract_relation cr
    cr.v_cr_id = svc.contract_relation_fk
    left join
    authorizations auth
    left join
    event ev
    auth.authorizations_id =ev.authorizations_fk
    auth.authorizations_id = svc.authorizations_fk
    left join
    referral ref
    left join
    v_referral_type rt
    rt.v_rt_id = ref.referral_type_fk
    left join
    v_referral_detail_type rdt
    rdt.v_rdt_id = ref.referral_detail_type_fk
    ref.referral_id = svc.referral_fk
    ep.episode_id = svc.episode_fk
    left join
    v_problem prob
    ep.assessed_problem_fk =prob.v_problem_id
    c.cases_id = ep.cases_fk
    left join
    v_cases_type cst
    cst.v_ct_id = c.cases_type_fk
    left join
    v_problem_regarding preg
    c.problem_regarding_fk= preg.v_pr_id
    p.people_id = c.people_fk
    left join
    site st
    left join
    contract_product_site cps
    left join
    contract_product cp
    left join
    contract cc
    cc.contract_id = cp.contract_fk
    cp.contract_product_id = cps.contract_product_fk
    st.site_id = cps.site_fk
    st.site_id = p.site_fk
    left join
    ##JobType JobTyp
    p.people_id = JobTyp.people_id
    st.site_name like 'pfizer%' and
    ep.start_date >= @month_start_date and
    ep.start_date <= @month_end_date and
    c.status_fk='1' and
    p.deactivate is null and
    st.deactivate is null and
    c.deactivate is null and
    svc.deactivate is null and
    ref.deactivate is null and
    ep.deactivate is null AND
    cltyp.name = 'Clinical' And
    ev.event_date is null AND
    en.note_type_fk != '29'
    ) OR
    ref.referral_id is not null
  • Thanks Antares686

    This looks much better. You are standards man

  • Brendthess query sort of works, but still getting records that has event dates. Requirements for this query are: show all the records that have at least one clinical call, but no clinical session events or concurrent review note types. Most of the fields that I am retrieving are saved as separate record in the db in several different tables. That's why I am doing left outer join. Reason, I am checking for Referral_id not NULL is to get referrals from the database. If I take out the referral_id, from the where clause, I am getting NULL in Referral type. Thing is even if I am checking for note_type_fk !='29', there are more note_types that can be associated with the people_id. I have to eliminate the records, which have an event or concurrent review. Thanks everyone for your help.

    Here is the sample of what it is suppose to look like:

    People ID#SiteGenderPresenting ProblemProblem RegardingEpisode Create DateAssessed Intake ProblemCall TypeUrgencyRelationshipDurationJob TypeReferral TypeReferral Detail TypeReferral Acceptance

    Ann Arbor, MIFemaleFinancialSelf4/7/2003FinancialClinicalRoutineEmployee25Office/ClericalFinancialBudget HelpYes

    Edited by - bhavnabakshi on 08/01/2003 07:25:33 AM

  • Instead of going by ev.event_date is NULL, I am checking ev.event_date not between '4/01/2003' and '6/30/2003' still it does not work 🙁

  • The problem with event dates is related to the problem that I discussed with the Note_Type_FK -- you need to check all cases. SO, add this to your query (an extension of my previous code):

    AND cltyp.name= 'Clinical'

    And ((Not Exists

    (Select ev.event_date

    FROM people p2

    left outer join cases c2 on p2.people_id = c2.people_fk

    left outer join episode ep on c2.cases_id = ep2.cases_fk

    left outer join service svc2 on ep2.episode_id = svc2.episode_fk

    left outer join authorizations auth ON auth.authorizations_id = svc.authorizations_fk

    left outer join event ev ON auth.authorizations_id =ev.authorizations_fk

    WHERE p2.People_id = p.people_id AND



    AND Not Exists

    (Select en2.note_type_fk

    FROM people p2

    left outer join cases c2 on p2.people_id = c2.people_fk

    left outer join episode ep on c2.cases_id = ep2.cases_fk

    left outer join service svc2 on ep2.episode_id = svc2.episode_fk

    left outer join call cl2 on cl2.call_id = svc2.call_fk

    left join event_note en2 on en2.call_fk = cl2.call_id

    WHERE p2.People_id = p.people_id AND

    en2.note_type_fk = '29')

    OR ref.referral_id is not null )

  • I believe I have to use inner join for Event_date and that works. Now, if I use "OR" for the second loop in where clause, I get records that has events and if I use "AND" that gives me records that does not have event_note_type_fk 29.

    AND ((cltyp.name= 'Clinical'

    AND Not Exists

    (Select ISDATE(ev.event_date)

    FROM people p2

    INNER join cases c2 on p2.people_id = c2.people_fk

    INNER join episode ep2 on c2.cases_id = ep2.cases_fk

    INNER join service svc2 on ep2.episode_id = svc2.episode_fk

    INNER join authorizations auth ON auth.authorizations_id = svc.authorizations_fk

    INNER join event ev ON auth.authorizations_id =ev.authorizations_fk

    WHERE p2.People_id = p.people_id


    ORNot Exists

    (Select en2.note_type_fk

    FROM people p2

    INNER join cases c2 on p2.people_id = c2.people_fk

    INNER join episode ep2 on c2.cases_id = ep2.cases_fk

    INNER join service svc2 on ep2.episode_id = svc2.episode_fk

    INNER join call cl2 on cl2.call_id = svc2.call_fk

    INNER join event_note en2 on en2.call_fk = cl2.call_id

    WHERE p2.People_id = p.people_id AND

    en2.note_type_fk = '29')


    Edited by - bhavnabakshi on 08/04/2003 08:54:22 AM

  • Thanks brendthess, I am able to fix the problem everything works great.

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