July 16, 2003 at 11:59 am
Hi. This query only times out when @religion is null... Can anyone help?
DECLARE @Religion varchar(50)
--SET @Religion='L070'
SET @Religion=NULL
select top 1000 u.userID,birthdate,replyrate,lessthan11,photo,DATEDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, GETDATE() ) - CASE WHEN birthdate > GETDATE() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
AS age from userinfo u,userdetails ud
where ud.userid = u.userID and ud.religion = ( CASE WHEN @Religion IS NULL OR @Religion = '' THEN ud.religion END ) OR CHARINDEX (',' + CAST(ud.religion AS varchar) + ',', ',' + @Religion + ',' ) > 0
July 16, 2003 at 12:06 pm
Just a thought. Try putting an ELSE condition in your CASE (i.e. CASE WHEN @Religion IS NULL OR @Religion = '' THEN ud.religion ELSE @Religion END )
You also need to remember that adding a NULL in a string produces NULL. The CHARINDEX probably needs to replace @Religion with ISNULL( @Religion,'')
July 16, 2003 at 12:18 pm
thanks everyone... I found the solution. if I pass an empty string instead of the null value, it gives a return...
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