Book recommendation

  • Hi all,

    can anyone comment if the book 'The Definitve Guide to SQL Server Performance Optimization' by Don Jones is worth reading?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Perhaps the site owners could make a feature of favourite books, when I'm buying from Amazon (or almost anywhere online) I always check out reviews and pick out the most recommended things. Perhaps a place like this could develop such a facility rather than a simple, occasional review.

    For the record, as more of a developer than anything else I only ever refer to two books; 'The Guru's Guide To Transact-SQL' by Ken Henderson and 'SQL For Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming' by Joe Celko.

    Perhaps you could join an affiliate programme and generate revenue this way too.

  • Hi amelvin,


    Perhaps the site owners could make a feature of favourite books, when I'm buying from Amazon (or almost anywhere online) I always check out reviews and pick out the most recommended things. Perhaps a place like this could develop such a facility rather than a simple, occasional review.

    take a look at Products->Book.

    Well, the book I was asking for comments was in fact a pdf file I've downloaded somewhere (I guess because I'm subscriber to SQL Server Mag).



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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