setting SQL variable to NT environment variable

  • Does anyone know how you would set a SQL variable to an NT environment variable.

    For Example: NT environment variable 'Account' with the value of 'Microsoft' needs to be retrieved in TSQL.

    Thanks in advance


  • Use xp_cmdshell 'set' in T-SQL to output NT environment variables to a temp table and go from there.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Could you give an example, I'm new to the TSQL side of things.

    Much appreciated


  • create table #NTVars (Varable varchar(255))

    insert into #NTVars EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'set'

    select * from #NTVars

    drop table #NTVars

  • Thanks again!

    I don't actually want to set an NT variable I want to retrieve an NT variable from within a select statement. For example I would want to retrieve the value of the 'Host' NT environment variable in a sql statement.

    I know you can do this with 'select @@servername' I would like to know how to do this with other NT variables.

    Apologies for my lack of experience here.


  • That command is not used to set the variable. It retrieves the NT variables to a temp table so you can select the variables from it as you want.

  • This was written along the same lines as Allens post.

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    One Windows to rule them all, One Windows to find them,

    One Windows to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

    In the Land of Microsoft where the Shadows lie.

    Tim C //Will code for food

  • The problem I always found with doing it using set was the fact it includes the variable name.

    If you say do


    you get


    I instead suggest use echo if you are going after a specific environment variable do like so.


    CREATE TABLE #env (envir varchar(2000))

    DECLARE @env as VARCHAR(2000)

    DECLARE @getstr as VARCHAR(2100)

    SET @env = 'windir'

    SET @getstr = 'echo %' + @env + '%'

    INSERT #env EXEC xp_cmdshell @getstr

    SELECT @env = envir FROM #env WHERE envir IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #env

    PRINT @env

  • Excellent suggestion antares, as echo would alos not allow them to change it either. BTW my script returns the data from the set command as two columns by splitting the returned data on the '='.

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    One Windows to rule them all, One Windows to find them,

    One Windows to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

    In the Land of Microsoft where the Shadows lie.

    Tim C //Will code for food

  • Hmmmm, I think I will modify my script to error if passing in an = to keep users from setting environ variables. Keep the users from accidentally / maliciously overwriting an environ variable. Even though in Win 2000 the normal set command only allows users to set user environ variables, it could be potentially harmful.

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    One Windows to rule them all, One Windows to find them,

    One Windows to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

    In the Land of Microsoft where the Shadows lie.

    Tim C //Will code for food

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